Chapter 14

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I was woken up by Regulus close to noon. "Riley, come on we've got to go." He whispered. I groaned and closed my eyes once again. He stood up and ripped off all my blankets. "Get up. Now." He said. Slowly I sat up and glared at him. "Riley lets go we don't have much time." He ordered. I rolled my eyes and got out of bed, pulling on black jeans. And my robes.

Regulus held out his arm, I put my hand on top of it. And then we were at the Malfoys. Right away I knew something was going down today. I took my seat beside Draco and waited for the dark lord to appear. "What's this about?" I asked Draco confused. Draco shrugged, "I heard my father talking about something this morning. I know it has to do with ministry." I nodded trying to think about what he was planning. Voldemort walked in five minutes later with a wicked smile across his face. "Dear friends, we all gather here today, to hopefully celebrate a victory. I need the prophecy. Harry Potters prophecy to be exact."

My heart sunk when I heard this. I didn't know what his prophecy was or what it meant. But I'm sure it would somehow affect Harry. "I'm sending a handful of death eaters to get it. And if you don't return with it, the consequences will be severe. Lucious, Bellatrix, Riley, Regulus, and Barty." I looked up when he called my name, there was no way I was going to let him get to Harry.

By the time the meeting had finished it was almost evening. Lucious gathered us all around and at once we apparated to the Ministry. We landed in what appeared to be a storage area. There were long rows of glass balls, and so much more. Then I heard voices, Harry Potters voice to be exact. Slowly I snuck out from behind a shelf and saw Harry holding a ball.
That must be the prophecy I thought to myself.

Lucious stepped out in front of him. "Give me the prophecy." He growled. Harry looked down at it. I wanted to jump out and protect him. But if I did that Voldemort would know who's side I was truly on.

Hermione walked over to where I stayed hidden. "Riley." She cried. I pulled her into a hug, "you've got to help him." I whispered. She nodded, "what about you?" I shook my head no, "don't worry about me, I can handle myself." She smiled, and stood up. Then a whole group of people that I immediately recognized to be from Hogwarts, circled around Harry.

"RILEY NOW." Bellatrix yelled. Slowly I stood up, and walked down an aisle to the opening everyone was standing in. The group realized they were being surrounded by death eaters, and began to panic. I wanted to run over and help them, but it would only put them in more danger. Regulus walked up with me. And when Harry saw me his jaw dropped. I raised my finger to my mouth, telling him to just shut up right now. He must've understood because he didn't say a word, he just looked away.

I wasn't sure who cast the first curse but I immediately took cover. Aurors appeared and I was trying to stay hidden. But Lucious grabbed my arm and shoved me down hard. My nose began to bleed immediately. And I ran. Harry and dad were huddled behind a rock. Lucious was gaining on them. "Riley, you better fight or the consequences will be severe like he warned." Bellatrix cackled. I still didn't move, and she pushed me into the fight. I saw Lucious casting curses at dad. Before I could think twice I raised my wand and yelled "CRUCIO." Lucious began to twitch and Bellatrix cast the torture curse back towards me. I rebounded it, and dad stood up. "You stay the fuck away from my daughter." He screamed. Harry got Lucious hard, and I ran over to my dad.

Regulus crept up behind me. "Do you have any idea what you've just done." He hissed. He looked up and saw dad. "Sirius." He whispered. Dads mouth hung wide open. "Reggy." Before they could say anything else. Regulus grabbed my hand, "come on we have to go back." I shook my head, "he's going to kill me." Regulus said, "it's you or everyone you love. You know that." Harry grabbed my hand, "no Riley we can protect ourselves. You don't have to go back to him." I smiled at Harry sadly, "I wish that were the case." Dad hugged me tightly, "I can't let you go back there." I cried, "you have too dad. They'll kill all of you."  He shook his head no, "I love you too much for that Riley."

Bellatrix suddenly stood up, she screamed "Avada Kedavra." Dads face immediately fell. He began floating away from me. All the death eaters shot up, leaving the ministry. I was far too shocked to move. Bellatrix laughed and ran up the halls, Remus held Harry tight, and Regulus tried to grab me but I ran faster than I've ever ran in my life

"You bitch!" I yelled at Bellatrix. She turned around smiling, "I just killed your daddy. Sorry princess." I raised my wand up to her, and Harry burst in. I was pulled behind a status by Regulus. "Don't move." He whispered angrily. He held me down and I was forced to watch as Harry and the dark lord fought. Screams of pain erupted from my mouth, and glass shattered everywhere as Voldemort and Bellatrix went through the ceiling. My eyes drifted down to a shard of glass that fell down beside my foot. Regulus stood up, and tried to pull me up. "Riley now." He called. But I refused to leave. I remained on the floor crying out in a pain nobody around me could ever understand.

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