Chapter 21

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A year had flown by fast, we spent most of the time playing card games, and eating. I only had two days left in the prison. I hated to admit it but this place changed me. Dad told me a long time ago, that this place would fill you with darkness. He wasn't wrong, I felt almost nothing anymore. Regulus made me feel safe, he protected from the lady who had tried more than once to kill me. Every night he would make sure I was warm or comfortable, he would make up crazy stories, and sometimes he would just sit with me. I knew it was going to be hard leaving him,but he keeps constantly telling me that he's fine, everything will work out. It makes me believe that he has a plan in place.

My final night I could see the the sadness in Regulus face. I sat down in between the wall and him. I rested my head on his lap where the blankets were, and let him rub my back for the last time. "Good night kid." He whispered. "Night." I said quietly.

When morning came around, I packed all my clothes in a bag. I left all my food games and books with Reg in case he got bored without me.

The guards marched upstairs and I could see Remus Tonks and Molly with them. I grasped onto Regulus tightly. "Hey." He whispered and knelt down. "Listen when you get out there, I want those eyes to glisten again. Your cheeks to smile, your voice to laugh. You of all people deserve happiness. Don't worry about me, be strong, be brave, be that girl from the first story I ever told you." I flung my arms around him. And he held me tightly, "I'm going to miss you." He said. "I love you Uncle Reg." I whispered holding back tears. He looked shocked for a moment before answering, "I love you most." He kissed my forehead, and slowly I let go, giving him a small smile, and wave.

Remus held out his hand, I grabbed it tightly and walked down the halls for the last time. The prisoners were going absolutely crazy, things were thrown, they all yelled at me. The woman who wanted me dead came up to the bars of her cell. She cackled loudly, "I'll still kill you little girl." I shuddered, and Molly quickly rushed us out of there. When I stepped outside of the prison I took a deep breath. "Freedom." I whispered. Tonks laughed, and Molly squished me in a bear hug. "You little.... oh Riley I'm so happy you're out." I laughed and hugged her back. "Let's go home shall we?" Remus asked. I grabbed onto his arm, and looked up. He nodded and together we apparated back to his cottage.

When I walked around I could see that Tonks had left some of her things around. I'm glad that they've been getting closer. Remus needs someone like her. I walked into my bedroom hesitantly, my fingers traced the walls. The flower prints still lined the walls, Remus has moved all of my things back from dads old house to here. There was a big picture frame that had a photo of me, and dad. And then me and Cedric. I picked it up and stared at their faces. Rem walked in and sat down on my bed, "I bet you miss them." He whispered. I nodded, "of course I do. But having Regulus was like having a piece of dad with me." I admitted. He smiled, "Regulus is a good man, I can tell how much he loves you." My eyes continued looking around my room, "Whats going to happen now?" I asked. He hugged me close up him. "Whatever you want Riley, later on we can go see Weasleys." He suggested. "I'm scared to see everyone again." I whispered. He looked sad, "but they all want to see you." I smiled, "really?" He nodded, "Ron Harry and Hermione tried numerous times to come and visit you. Molly wouldn't allow it though. And George, do you remember how close you two used to be?" I nodded, "we still are Remus. Just got different groups of friends."

I lay down on my bed, and opened the book Jackson Kaite and Dylan gave me in prison. I never had the chance to open it, I wanted to save it for when I got out. Inside were several photos of dad Remus then Cedric Harry Ron Fred George Ginny and everyone else I loved. It was wonderful. "They're good friends." Remus said. I agreed, he pulled the blankets over top of me. And kissed me goodnight. "Rest for a bit Ry, we will wake you up for supper." I smiled, "thank you." He shut the door, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

My door slammed open, Tonks and Remus ran in. I shot up, "what's wrong?" I asked scared. "Regulus Black. He's escaped." Tonks said. "What do you know about this?" Remus asked. I shook my head, "he didn't tell me anything about leaving." Tonks thought for a moment, "surely he must have said something." I wanted to scream, did they not understand I didn't know. "Is this what it's going to be like now?" I said angrily. The two of them just stood there. "So you guys just aren't gonna of believe anything I say?" I ran my hands threw my hair trying to calm down, "get away from me," I whispered. "After everything that happened, everything I've given up, you Remus, the man who's supposed to be my father doesn't even trust me any more." I left my room running outside as far away as I could get. I wasn't thinking straight I felt consider hurt saddened and alone all at once.

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