Chapter 11

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Several weeks passed by, and I often thought back to what my life would've been like if I was still at Hogwarts not stuck in this mess. OWLs would've been approaching soon. It was almost the end of term. The day dedicated to Cedric was in a week, I was hoping that I would be allowed to go and see him at the cemetery that day. 

Since the Azkaban attack the dark lord has forced me to do many other things I'm not proud of. Tomorrow I had to single handedly break into a store in Hogsmeade. They wanted me to steal as many potions ingredients as possible. I'm not sure exactly what they were for but I didn't have a choice.

Two weeks ago I helped break into Gringotts. I had to pretend I was entering my own vault, and then Lucious and Bellatrix forced the goblet to go down into the deeper vaults. I wasn't told what they stole but I know it was extremely valuable. They covered my face so that no one would know it was me. But Lucious and Bellatrix were seen and they had a whole article written about them in the Dailey Prophet. Regulus told me there was stuff about me in there too but I wasn't aloud to read it.

Today I got my surprise, I'm not sure what it was but I was very anxious to find out. Regulus walked into my room around lunch time and handed me a letter. "What's this?" I asked. He didn't say anything, "when your done reading it, the foods ready so come out." I nodded and slowly opened the letter.

Dear Regulus,
You've been hiding all these years? Where are you now? If your still stuck in that mess with the dark lord I can help you. The order is stronger than ever! Please let us help. Don't let mother control your life even from her grave. Regardless of our past I will stand by my word. I will always protect you, as long as you let me. Is Riley there with you? The Aurors told me they saw her at Azkaban with you. But I'm having trouble believing that. She wouldn't hurt anyone on purpose, and you wouldn't hurt her. Unless of course she was being forced too. Please don't let anything happen to her. Just tell me where you are! I'll come get both of you. But she's my little girl. Remus is devastated, I am heartbroken, and I don't know what happened to make her do what she did, but there is a reason, and it's probably a hell of a good one. I just know that she wouldn't do it willingly, if you won't tell me where you are. At least tell me she's safe. And tell her I love her to the moon and back a million times.
Your brother

Reading this letter broke my heart. Dad was clearly in pain, because of me. I took the letter out to Regulus. "Did you read it?" He asked in between bites of the stir fry he made. I nodded my head. "He's worried about me. Are you going to let them help us?" I asked. Regulus put down his spoon. "You don't understand Riley, if we go back to them, they're all in danger." I looked down. "I miss him so much." I whispered. "I didn't even realize how much until I saw his handwriting." Regulus smiled, "You can write him back if you'd like." My face lit up, "really?" I asked excitedly. He laughed, "Just to say your okay! Nothing else understood?" I immediately agreed then ran back to my room to write.

It's me Riley, I wish I could write more but given my situation I can't. I'm okay I think, I'm trying to stay strong for you. You were right in your last letter, I'm not hurting anyone willingly. I want to explain everything but I can't. Please please please forgive me.

Regulus said that was enough for now. I rolled up the letter and gave it to his owl to deliver to dad. "How did dad get that letter to you?" I asked. He shook his head, "magic I supposed." He said winking. I rolled my eyes. "You should get some rest, you know what you have to do tomorrow." He reminded me. I nodded my head and slowly pulled the covers over me. My whole body still ached. They used the torture curse on me again two days ago, when I said I didn't know where Remus Lupin was. I still remember vividly shaking and screaming. But they kept it on for a long stretch of time. As bad as it hurt I would never sell out Remus. He had given up everything for me.

I didn't sleep at all last night. I kept thinking about that store. Bellatrix had developed a plan with me. I was to sneak in through the back, then grab everything I could. I was more concerned that someone would see me. That was the last thing I needed. I sat up cursing I was in so much pain.

I walked over to the mirror and looked at what I've become. My hair passed my butt now. It seemed to have gotten darker. My eyes were no longer the happy sparkling green ones. They were brown and emotionless. My cheekbones were more defined and my jaw was set and hard. There was no denying I was pretty. But not in the way that made people like me. I was an ugly person. Everything I've done haunted me. I acted tough and unbreakable, but I was still a girl on the inside. I wanted my dad more than anything. But I couldn't think about him right now. I had to focus on protecting him, and everyone else I cared about.

I wondered if he got my letter, what would he think of me. Arthur must've told him, what they saw. Regulus and Bellatrix made it look as though I was there against my will. Which I was, but I did come here with Draco, only because Voldemort was blackmailing me. Everything I've done is because of what they held against me. My family. And there wasn't one thing I wouldn't do, in order to keep them safe and out of this mess.

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