Implantation Creation

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Many of you wanted to know how the Implantation Creation takes place in detail and I thought that I would give you a rundown of how it was imagined in my mind.

POV of a Random Doctor

First, the subject and the host parents are brought to our facilities where they are pinned to a chair. Usually, the subject is so panicked that they don't realize that there is a Petri dish right under the metal chair. We take blood from the mother and father, we inject it into the veins of the subject, that way they can have some sort of biological relationship with the host parent. We then move on to removing the clothes of the subject so that once they are brought to the zygomatic form they just fall into the petri dish. Don't worry the room is set to a temp where the environment is sterilized. Usually, many of the residents usually watch this glorious momentous moment but usually, some like to keep it private. We usually have the host parents disrobe being that we have to implant the embryo into the mother but as for the father we have him give a specimen in case we have to alter the genes even further. We take the subject to the lab look over it and then return to the mother for implantation. We suction the embryo up into a catheter and place the subject inside the mother to begin gestation with some of our help. In order to ensure that the embryo takes to the mother's abdomen the hos mother take medication in advanced for about a month ensuring that the subject will latch to the wall of the uterus.

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