Confession (Chapter 3)

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Graysons Pov:

What the fuck was that! We almost kissed, and I pussyed out. I should have just grabbed her neck, brought her close to me, and crashed our lips together. That is probably the best chance I would be able to see what her lips feel like. Hell...maybe kissing her might of made her start to like me. So that when she giggles, it could be about a joke I tell her.

We then heard the door close, indicating that Sophia left. Ethan doesn't have to walk her out, because he gave her a key to the house. Ethan then turned towards me.

"Dude. Why are you such a dick towards her?!"

"Don't point all your fingers at me. Part of this is her doing. She acts like a dick to."

"For real though. You are starting to act like this is kindergarten and you bully the girl you have a massive crush on, and wanna marry."

"Pfft. Please. That has gotta be the funniest joke I have heard my entire life. You are great at this. Tell me another."

"I am just making sure, because...I like her." I feel my hear my heart brake. "And I am planning on asking her out tomorrow." And there it goes falling to the pit of my stomach. "I already broke up with Claire, just so I could ask out Sophia."

"Are you for real?"

"100%. I've been trying to build up the courage for a couple of weeks now to ask her out."

Welp, there goes my heart. Never to be seen again.

"Uhm..I hope she says yes dude." I then got up, and started to walk to my door, picking up my car keys, and slipped my shoes on in a blink. I made sure to bump Ethans shoulder as I let my room. I run down the stairs. Ethan calls after me, but I just ignore him, and make my way down the stairs as quick as possible so I can leave as soon as possible.

I go to open the door, but Ethan stands right in front of it.

"Gray, what the fucks wrong with you?"

"Dude. Move."

"What's wrong?"

"I'm not gonna repeat myself again, so move," I say really harshly.

"You like her don't you?"

"I don't know what you are talking about. She's an annoying little brat. But I hope you two have fun together."

"Dude! I don't like her!" He doesn't like her. Is that my heart I see? Is it coming home?


"But now I know you like her."

"I don't know what you are talking about." I started to scratch my neck, and I avoided eye contact.

"Grayson. Why didn't you tell me you liked her?" I started to jog up the stairs rushing to my room. "For how long? Why are you such a dick towards her? Why not tell her?" I slammed the door in his face.

"DUDE!" Ethan shouted as he stormed in my room. "ANSWER ME!"

"YA! Let me just go up to Sophia, and be like" I started to talk in a manlier voice, "yo, Sophia! I have a MASSIVE crush on you. And i've had it since the beginning of ninth grade. Since we met. Which means that i've had a crush on you for 2 ½ years now. But I got pissed that you kept talking to Ethan more than me, and then you started dating Mitchy, who is now your ex. So I tuned into a fuckboy, and now I fuck a girl, just about everyday to try to get my mind off of you. And now I am an ass towards you, because I wish I was yours, and you were mine." I started to sarcastically laugh, and stopped after realizing that ethan had a shocked face, and I figured he wasn't gonna say anything. I mumbled "aren't you gonna say anything?"

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