Nighty Night (Chapter 9)

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Sophia's POV

"Grayson?! Gray? Grayyyyyy? Isaac? Ethan? Chloe? Hello?! Is anyone here? Who turned out the lights?"

It was pitch black, and I couldn't see anything. All of a sudden I heard a high pitch scream. It was so loud that I had to cover my ears. It made me feel really dizzy. I could feel my ears start to bleed.

"OWWWW! Jesus! Who's there? Are you ok? Helloooooooo?"

Then I felt like someone was touching me, and then grabbed me. But no one was there. I kept spinning around trying to find someone. Anyone. But nothing.

I started to hear whispers. They were saying many things. Some were saying:

"No one loves you"

"You were a mistake to the world"

"Why are you still alive"

"Your parents should have killed you"

"Kill yourself"

"You deserved to be raped"

The whispers didn't end, but then the people started to walk towards me. The lights were still off but I could slightly see people. When they got closer, I noticed that it was my friends; or atleast who I thought were my friends. I recognized their voices.

"C'mon guys. You can stop now. It isn't funny anymore... what you are saying is rude."

They didn't stop, but they did get louder. I started to walk backwards, getting freaked out.

Someone caught a tree on fire. Now the only light sources was the fire and the moon. The fire brought more light to the night, which is when I realized that I was in a forest. How did I get here? All there was were trees, and more trees. I then noticed that there wasn't just my friends walking towards me. But there were many people here. Give a take, around 100+ in the forest with me. I recognized most of them. They looked like people from my school. My friends, people I hate, people who hate me, my teachers, and many more.

All of a sudden, they started to run at me with: fire, dogs barking crazily, and they kept yelling at me.

I ran, and ran, for what felt like hours. I started to give up but when I lifted my head, I realized that there was a house right in front of me.

I barged in without knocking.

Someone grabbed me from behind, and covered my mouth so that I wouldn't yell. I started to scream and kick, and try to punch. But this person was much stronger than I was.

The person turned me around, and I realized that it was Grayson. I felt safe when I looked into his eyes. I hugged him immediately, but he didn't hug back. Instead, he pushed me away aggressively, making me fall down.

"What the frick Grayson," I said while getting up and dusting off my butt. He didn't say anything. He just kept glaring at me. "Grayson, what's wrong. Did I do something baby?" I asked while caressing his cheek. He grabbed my hand and twisted my wrist. "OWWWWW! GRAYSON!"

"Don't call me baby, you slut!" he yelled at me, and pushed me to the ground.

Him, calling me that brought tears to my eyes. All of a sudden, all three of my sisters, my older brother, my mom, dad, grandma, Ethan, and Mathew came into view.

"I wish I never gave birth to such an obtuse, putrid, piece of trash", my mother hissed at me, and then grabbed my hair and threw me at the wall. That is something she use to do to me alot. It hurt when she called me "obtuse", because I am self conscious about my body, because of her.

"You are the lowest they come you scumbag", Claire siad. Why is she saying this? She is only 10 years old.

"What a waste of time and space. You make me wanna hang myself. I wish you hung yourself", my father hissed. He then threw a bottle of rum at me. It cut my arm and a piece got lodged in my leg.

I screamed in agony.

"What a failure. You should stop breathing", Isabella and Mia said at the same time. Mia punched my stomach, and Isabella tugged my hair which brought me to the floor.

"God says to forgive and forget. To love all. But I will NEVER love such a worthless penny like you. You are the penny, on the side of the rode, that people look at, then step all over, and kick." That hurt me the most, since my grandma's the only one that's always loved me, and always been there for me.

"I don't know why I tried to fuck you. Anyone could do better than you." Why is Mathew here?


"I wish you drowned in the ocean."

"You were right. I was just using you for sex. Which you suck at. Nothing you do is right. Just do everyone a favor and kill yourself."

Dogs started to attack me. Biting me all over my body. Bringing me so much pain. By now, I was balling my eyes out, and breathing so hard. The dogs backed away, and disappeared, leaving my almost dead, barely functioning, body.

Everyone took out a lighter from their pocket, and lit it. They started to circle my body, which was lying on the ground. My eyes were barely open. Everything was fuzzy, and getting dark.

"No one will miss you", they all said at the same time. I tried to screaming for help, but I couldn't get a single word out. Hoping that someone would rescue me. All they did was laugh, and snicker.

Just as everybody threw their lighters at me, I was awoken.

Someone was wiping the tears off my face. Grayson had me in his arms rocking me.

Grayson was trying to calm me down, and that's when I realized that I was having a panic attack. I couldn't breath. Everything was getting fuzzy. I was balling my eyes out.

Then, all of a sudden, everything went black.

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