Suspension (Chapter 20)

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January 18,2019
Sophia's Pov

"Hey Grayson. It's me again. Ethan told me you're not talking to him or any of your family. It's almost been two long are you gonna ignore us? Please call me back. I miss you. And you're scaring me. Bye."

I hung up my phone. I stopped pacing and sat on my bed.

You know what...I'm done waiting for him to answer me.

I grabbed my car keys and hopped into my car.

I parked my car and headed inside the Dolans household.

It was dead silent in the house except the music coming from upstairs. I followed the noise and it lead to Graysons room.

I knocked a couple times but he didn't answer. I decided to just go in his room.

The second I opened the door his music became even louder.

He was sitting in his chair facing away from his door.

"Grayson? Helloooooo," still no answer. "Grayson!"

"Hmm," he hummed as he turned around, licking eyes with me.

"Leave," he said as he turned back around and turned his music up louder.

I went up to his speaker and turned it off.

"Stop ignoring me."

"Or what? You gonna get me suspended again," he said as he rolled his eyes.

"It is not my fault you got suspended."

"How is it not your fault."

"Cause you were being stupid and punched Hunter."

"Sorry for trying to defend you."

"I don't need defending."


"Let me deal with him!"

"Why are you even dating that prick?"

"Him and I aren't dating."

"That's not what he told me."

"Well he lied then because he's my ex not my boyfriend."

"What the hell are we Sophia?"

"What?...Is this why you've been acting so weird? Because you're jealous?"

"I don't get jealous."

"That's what I thought but how you're acting now is making me think different."

"I'm not jealous."

"Good. Because you have nothing to be jealous of. Cause you and I have nothing going on."

"Well maybe I want that to change."

"Grayson. I'm sorry but, I don't think we should. You are this popular jock guy with a reputation of being a fuckboy. And fuckboys fuck girls. Literally and metaphorically. And I'm not trying to get my heart broken."

"Just let me try to persuade you?"

"I don't think so Grayson."

"A date? One date. That's all I'm asking for. Saturday night. Let me show you how good I could actually treat you. Besides, what's the worst that could happen?"

Hatred// A Grayson Dolan FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now