Flashback (Chapter 27)

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* Flashback *

June 27, 2019
Sophia's Pov

I shot up in bed causing what felt like an earthquake inside my body.


"You're awake again."

"Who are you? What are you doing? What happened?"

"All right. I'm a need you to breath."

"Who are you?"

"Hello. My name is Dr. White."

"I'm in the hospital?"

"Yes. You were in a coma for three weeks. And then you kept waking up and falling asleep for a week straight."

"Why am I in here? What caused this?"

"What's the last thing you remembered Sophia?"

"I-uh-I can't remember."

"Just try."

"Ok. Uhm. Hmm. Claire and I were home alone with our parents?"

"You're doing good. Keep going."

"My dad was yelling at Claire, and I told him to stop..."

"What else?"

"He stopped harassing Claire but then harassed me."

"What did he do?"

"...He raped me."

"Was this the only time?"


"Do you remember anything else?"

"My brother walked in, called the cops as he wrestled my dad. My mom started beating me. But when the cops got there she got free. She grabbed Claire. She was gonna throw her off the second floor balcony. did I save Claire?"

"Yes you did. But sadly in the process you got tossed out yourself causing you to hit your head pretty hard. That caused you to go into a coma for three weeks. And you've been flatlining constantly lately. You have a concussion, three broken ribs, broken leg, and a broken arm."

"That explains why I'm so sore."

"Good news is that while being in the state of a coma, bones heal three times quicker."

"What does that mean?"

"I'd say in about a month, you should be good to leave. Now I'm going to go update your situation, and I'll have a nurse move you to a better room."

"Thank you doctor."

"Call me Mike, Sophia."

"Thank you Mike."

"My pleasure."

After he left someone moved my bed to a private room.

I just sat in my room enjoying the silence, but was interrupted by loud thuds and loud music blasting through the air.

I put myself in the wheelchair, because the doctors told me not to walk yet. I wheeled to my hospital neighbors room.

"Can you guys please keep it down a little. I'm still recovering from a raging headache."

"My bad. They're my friends. But good luck on making them shut up, cause I've been trying for hours. You think they'd shut up if I had a concussion."

"I have a concussion too and I am right next-door to you."

"Oh hell. I'll shut up for the pretty girl."

"Me to."

"Me three."

"Me four."

"Me five."

"Dudes! Shut up! Sorry my friends are pigs."

"It's ok. But can I know your names?"

"I am Ethan, they are Joshua, Dylan, Chris, Liam, Alex, Joe, Brian, Jack, Michael, Kyle, Caleb, and Clay. Oh yeah, and that guy standing behind you, who just walked in, is my twin brother, Grayson."

"Nice to meet you. And you are?"


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