Chapter 4 - Moving in

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Y/N = Your Name

* 2nd person's P.O.V

You were staring at them, you felt a tear coming " Manny? Robin? Harry?'s it really you?." Manny glees and ran up to you " Y/N!." He ran up to you and hug, he was more taller than before. Harry said " We haven't seen you since high school." Robin tilted his head " How did you find us?." You shrug " I have no idea. But, I hope this last forever." Manny stop hugging and you said "Why haven't you contact me? It's been years since you call me." Harry sigh " We forgot about you for a while. We've been busy here in Clayhill." Manny ask " Can Y/N be in the song?." You blink " Song?! What song?." Robin answer " Manny wants everyone to sing for his birthday tomorrow." You gasp " Happy early birthday!." Manny blushes " Thank you Y/N!." The trio stomachs growled, Harry said " Dinner time! Everyone back inside." They went inside and left you outside, You knock on their door " Are you serious?! You're gonna leave your best friend outside?!." No one answer, A few moments later It started to rain. Robin peaks out the window " Y/N?! It's raining. What are you doing?." You grunted " You left me outside cold and hungry." Robin chuckles " Hehehe....oops." He opens the front door and you ran inside, You gasp at the beauty of their home. Manny was sitting at the couch eating spaghetti, you sat besides him and said " What kind of friend leaves another in the rain?." Harry was reading a newspaper " Sorry we don't usually that to people." You flip your hair at him, Robin was just sipping on some tea. You thought ' I wonder if they'll let me stay. I got no place to go and I can't find my way back home.' You ask " Hey I was wondering if I could stay with you for a while." Everyone yells " What?!."Robin spits out his drink " Y/N! Are you sure you want to stay?." You said  " Of course! Is something wrong?." Manny drops his plate " No there's nothing wrong! I want Y/N to stay with us." Harry said " Manny we can't just invite...." Manny starts crying, Harry moans "Fine! But, she's sleeping at the couch."

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