Chapter 12 - Safety's first

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Y/N = Your Name

* 2nd person's P.O.V 

You were in the kitchen making cake, you heard someone building something. You got up and said " What's going on?." You saw Manny on the couch, he was covering his ears. Robin was building some kind of machine on the table. You cover your ears " What's that for Robin?." Robin replies " It's the new security camera! I'm building it for everyone in town." Manny's ears start bleeding " Is my birthday cake ready Y/N?." Robin comments " No cake Manny! It's not safe. It might have a bomb in it." You tilted your head " A Birthday cake? That I'm making for my friend has a bomb?." Robin puts his hands up " I'm just saying! Steve told me it's dangerous." The phone rings, You grab the phone " Hello? This is Trio's house." A caller said " Umm...Can I talk to the Mayor?." Robin grabs the phone from you " Hello? This the mayor speaking." You took a look at the machine, it had a camera and a beak that look like a duck. Manny uncover his ears " Man that was loud!." You sigh " Ever since Robin became mayor, he hasn't been paying any attention to us. He's been talking to Steve too much." Manny sighs " Does this mean we have to cancel my birthday for new year?." You put a hand on his head " I don't think so but, hopefully he'll have time for us." Robin hangs up to phone " Bad news, Steve wants to see me at my office. I'll be taking my security camera." He grabs the camera from his table and you said " Wait! What about us? You haven't been..." Robin slams the door on you, you sigh " Paying any attention..." Manny notice you crying " Are you okay Y/N?." You ran upstairs and Manny was just sitting alone.

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