Chapter 17 - The Town is now safe

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Y/N = Your Name

* 2nd person's P.O.V

No I don't own the video

You and Harry were taking Mayor Pigface back to Clayhill. You gasped after seeing a yellow lock and cameras on the gate. Inside, You saw mayhem and gangs attacking the whole town. Harry said " Oh god! What happen here?." You stare at the lock " How are we supposed to get in?." Harry gets an idea, he steals the mayor's stickman and throws it over the gate. Mayor Pigface gasped "Jimmy! Don't worry I'll save you." He climbs over the gate and grabs the stickman. The mayor sees a red lever " Oh what does that do?." He pulls the lever, It turns off the cameras and the lock disappears. The gate opens, You ran inside while Harry grabbed the Mayor. You yelled " Is anyone alive? Someone?." You saw the Trio's house, You ran towards the house. Harry knocks on the door " Manny?! Are you in there?." You broke the window and climb through it. Harry climbs in with the Mayor " You know we have a key for the door." You search the house, you ran upstairs " Manny? Where are you?!?." You got downstairs " He's not here." The Mayor saw something in the acid, He knocks it over and the skeleton of Spots was biting his leg. Harry tries to pull the dog away " What is that thing?." You ran in " Stupid canine!" and you kicked it out the window. Mayor Pigface shivered " That penguin tried to kill me!." Harry sighed " Thanks Y/N" and he got blindfolded by a strange figure. The Mayor and you were blindfolded as well, a voice said " Take them to our hide out!." You were knocked out by something hard and the figures dragged you out. 

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