Chapter 21 - Robin is back!

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Y/N = Your Name 

* 2nd person's P.O.V

You were running towards the button, you bumped into a green figure. You two fell backwards and you look up. It was Robin with blood coming from his head and He was holding scissors. You pulled out your sword and pointed at Robin. Robin said " Wait don't do it! It's me Robin." You said " I don't believe you. If you're Robin then, where did we first meet?." Robin was stuttering " in high school. You made fun of my real name." You moved the sword close to him " What is your real name?." Robin sighed " My real name is Duck." You moved your weapon away from him. You hugged Robin and he was blushing. You slapped his face and he asked " What was that for?." You said " That was for leaving us." You kissed his cheek, Robin's face was turning red. You said " And that's for coming back." Manny cried " Somebody save us!." They were still being held by Evil 'Robin', Robin yells " Put my friends down Steve." Evil ' Robin takes off his hat and turns back to Steve. He said " You can't tell me what to do! I'm the master here." Steve pushes a button and he drops his friends. Robin walks towards them but, Steve pulls a lever. The machine grabs him and it was squeezing the life out of him. Steve said " You mindless bird. Let's see how you beat this." Steve presses a button and a drill comes out. It moves towards Robin and he was panicking.  You quickly ran towards the button but, Steve stops you by having one of the machine's arms grab you. You tried to escape but, Steve laughs " There's nothing you can do. You're about to die!." The drill was moved from Robin to you. You were breathing heavily as Steve was evilly laughing.  

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