Chapter 8 - The Key to the city

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Y/N = Your Name

* 2nd person's P.O.V 

I don't own the video 

You were staring at a tall gray man, Robin said " Huh! It's that little metal stick Y/N found earlier. He's turn into a boy! Isn't he funny?." The gray man said " No! I'm Steve....the key to the city." You said "Oh right? So, do you know what happen to the mayor?." He transported near Harry " No! But let me ask you love your town?." Everyone stare at each other, Harry said " Is he talking to me?." Robin spoke " I love my town! I lived here my whole life." Harry gets up to open the front door " If you don't know where the mayor is then get out." Steve sighs as he went out the door "Oh well! I guess you don't want Clayhill to be protected." Everyone's eyes widen, everyone got up and caught him walking away. You said " Wait! What do you mean protected?." Steve stops " Why bother? Clayhill will just fall apart, pulling everyone with it." Robin gasp " How dare you? I love this town more than anyone." Manny ask " Protect it from what Steve?." Steve answer " From intruders! Who sleep on your roofs, looks inside your lunchbox, and takes all of your front teeth." Harry crosses his arms " That's crazy talk! Clayhill is perfectly safe." Steve stands in the center of town " Oh that's how it all starts. One moment it's fine and next, everyone is on their own." A group of people starts forming around him. Harry notices a trail of footsteps leading to the gate. He follows it and you saw him leaving, Harry saw the trail continuing to the forest. You pull him back before he could leave. You said " You can't just leave, what if you never come back?." Harry sighs " Y/N Someone has to find the mayor. If I don't come back, take good care of our friends." You wave goodbye as you watch Harry leave. You went back to hear Robin say " Then we could make it better. Maybe Steve has a point, Clayhill does need a Mayor." Mrs. Grenald nod " Yeah! Maybe you could be our new mayor." The whole town agreed, Robin said " What?! Me as the mayor?!." You said " Robin I don't think that's a good idea." Robin talks back " Nonsense Y/N! I'll be Clayhill's mayor." A hat comes out of sky, Robin puts it on and auto tuned " I am your new MAYOR!." You face palmed " I got a bad feeling about this."

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