Chapter 13 - Mean Steve

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Y/N = Your Name

* 2nd person's P.O.V 

You were upstairs in the bathroom, you wiped your tears away. You thought ' I've had enough with Robin's excuses. I'm going to walk straight to his office and demand him to quit.' You went downstairs and turn off the oven. You thought ' Don't want the cake to be burnt.' Manny ask " What are you doing?." You answer, walking out the door " I'm going to a chat with the Mayor." Meanwhile, Robin was in his office talking to Steve " What are you talking about Steve? Y/N would never hate me." Steve said " Y/N is nothing but a monster. She thinks your breath smells like dead fish." Robin blinks for a few seconds then, laughs. Steve fake laughs with him, Robin said " That's a nice one Steve. My friend Y/N hates me." Robin's hat falls off and rolls away, Steve walks over to it " I'll get for you." Steve walks over to it and placed a device in it. He gives it to Robin " Here you go! Nothing suspicious about it." Robin puts it on his head, he felt his mind draining away. Robin holds his head while screaming. Robin grunted " My Brain hurts! What's happening to me?." Steve watch his eyes turn from green to gray, Robin stood up at his seat. Steve chuckles evilly  " You simple minded fool. Soon, Clayhill will be protected...forever." He whispers " I command you to banned Y/N from Clayhill for being a liar." Robin just nodded like a mindless puppet " I will obey Steve." You busted through the door, You yell " Robin we need to talk!." Steve quickly hides, You marched up to Robin " You need to quit! You're ruining our friendship." Robin blinks " You think I'm ruining our friendship. You're nothing but a backstabber." You gasp " You take that back Robin. I thought you were my friend." He yells "That's it! You are no longer welcome in Clayhill." You gasp " You're kicking me out?" Steve appears behind Robin " Sorry about this Y/N. But it's for you own good." You walk out the door and slammed it, Steve takes off Robin's hat and Robin was light headed " Awww....what happened?." Steve ties him to his chair " My plan is finally coming together."  Robin ask " Plan? You planned this?. I thought we were friends." Steve chuckles " You dodo bird! I used you to remove your friends." He puts duck tape over his mouth, Steve pushes him to a broom closet. Before he shuts to door on him and he evilly laughs " And don't worry I'll take good care of Clayhill."

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