Chapter 10 - The Universe

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This part is from Wiki Fandom. Sorry it's long.

Not part of story

I, the author was writing a chapter. You came in with a VCR tape " Yingyang! Look what I found." I turn around " Don't play it!." But it was too late, You place it inside the VCR player. I sigh " Never mind....". The video was loading..3...2...1..

* 2nd person's P.O.V 

You and your friends were sitting in a Shed house, you were playing Go fish together. Robin looks out the window " Hmm I always wondered what was out there." Manny looks out the window " The Sun is out There." Space / Universe Guy appears behind you guys without being notice. Harry sighs " Can we please just continue our game?." Space Guy interrupts " Wait just a second friends! How bout we learn about space first?." He clear his throat " Space is Infinite, just like Time itself." Everyone stare at him, Space Guy sings " Space is broad and full of planet's to make sure that we flow." Harry covers his ears, You beg " Can we please skip this song?." Space Guy replies " No let me finish my lesson!." Everyone was suddenly transported to a spaceship " Space and Time and are on the Line, with The Sun keeping it in check, this is the universe and it's your job to keep it clean." You stare out the window, you saw tons of comets passing by. Space  Guy jumped " We are in the Universe, Planet's live within  the Moon, A Rocket Ship Fly's out of Space, A Rocket Ship Can go to the Moon." Harry moans " Can someone please tell this guy to shut up?." Manny ask " But how do we know if we can go to the moon?." Space Guy answers " It's easy to see if you take it soon." Robin said " But how do we know if it's just a fraud, maybe it's just another concept of the mind, maybe it's nothing m-." Space Guy slaps him " Let's forget about this little act. Staring at the stars can go really far." He steps on a button which sucks everyone out the ship. Your friends were having trouble breathing, Space guy chuckles " Stand there to long and you might run out of air." Everyone join hands, Manny cough " I don't want to die." Harry chokes " It's okay Manny it's part of life." Robin gags " I'll see you guys soon." One by one, your friends pasted away. Your last words were " See you in the afterlife." You close your eyes and pasted away. 

* VRC ends 

Y/N stare at the screen with a blank face, Yingyang explains " That's why I didn't want to post it."

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