Chapter 16 - We stand against Robin

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Y/N = Your Name

* 2nd person's P.O.V Sorry it's long and no I don't own the video

It was still raining in the forest, you were sitting on the swingset. You were crying " My life is worthless. I'll never smile again." You heard someone say " Y/N? What are you doing here?."  You look to see Harry and Mayor Pigface. You hugged Harry " Oh Harry! I felt so depressed. Robin banned me from Clayhill." Harry holds you " It's okay...I'm here now." The Mayor turns to his stick man " Did you hear that? That Y/N girl is banned from Clayhill." You heard the mayor's creepy conversation with the stick person. You whispered " Why is he talking with a stick?." Harry stops hugging you " I don't know. Maybe if we take him back to Clayhill he'll recover."  You nodded, Harry grabs the Mayor and both of you drag him to Clayhill. 

* Meanwhile in Clayhill

Manny was at his house, There was cake on the table ' Happy birthday Manny.' Manny checks his watch, he was waiting for his friends to come. Robin placed security cameras everywhere in Clayhill. The security camera focused on his cake, Manny tries not cry " Happy birthday Manny!." He wipes his tears away, An idea came to his mind. Manny grabs a black marker and draws faces on his fingers. He stares at his fingers " The gangs all here." Manny started crying " What's the point?! No one's coming." He hears someone breaking glass, he runs outside to investigate." Manny sees someone smashing cars. It was a Fizzy milk smashing some cars, Manny ask " Hey Mister! What are you doing here?." The Fizzy milk turns to him " Rebelling the Mayor!." Manny ask " I can help? I want to rebel the mayor as well." Fizzy milk scratched his head " I don't know! You don't look tough." Fizzy walks towards Manny " But if you want to can join the Rebel gang." Meanwhile in the Mayor's office, Steve was bring food to Robin. Robin was still wearing the mayor's hat. He gives Robin a scoop of slop " Go a head Robin. It's your last meal." Robin kicks the slop away, Steve grunted " Fine! Then, starve." Robin yells " Why are you doing this to me?." Steve grabs him by the throat " Because this is my town now! I'm in charge now." Robin was choking, Steve chuckles " And this town is finally mine." He lets go of Robin, Robin was inhaling some air. Steve left the room " By the way! Thanks for the security camera. It's doing a good job." Robin felt his mind being suck into the hat " My head hurts...". His eyes starts turning from green to gray. 

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