Chapter 15 - No Happy Endings

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Y/N = Your Name

* 2nd person's P.O.V 

You were wandering through the forest cold and hungry. You had no place to go, everything you had was gone. Your friends, a family, and a place to call home. You had nothing left to keep you going. You pull out a picture of your friends from high school. 

You kept walking: " Let's talk this over, It's not like we're dead."

You look at the sky: " Was it something I did? Was it something you said?." 

Gray clouds were filling the sky: " Don't leave me hanging, In a city so dead."

You step in some mud: " Held up so high on such a breakable thread."

You tried to fight your tears: " You were all the things I thought I knew and I thought we could be."

It was starting to rain: " You were everything, everything that I wanted."

You were getting your clothes wet: " We were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it." 

You took one look at the photo and crumbled it: " And all of the memories, so close to me, just fade away." 

You threw it to the ground in angrier: " All this time you were pretending, So much for my happy ending."

Harry was trying to explain why the Mayor should come back. The Mayor heard someone singing " Who's singing? I think I'm hearing voices again." Harry heard the voice and his eyes widen " Y/N? Is that you?." He follows the voice and the Mayor said " Wait for me Harry" and went the same path he did. 

You were being followed by some animals: " It's nice to know that you were there! Thanks for acting like you cared."

A squirrel was holding your crumbled photo in it's mouth " And making me feel like I was the only one." 

You walk past the critter ignoring the photo: " It's nice to know we had it all."

The squirrel pouted, seeing you didn't see the photo: " Thanks for watching as I fall and letting me know we were done." 

You were on top of the hill, staring at a tree with a swing set: " They were everything, everything that I wanted."

Harry and the Mayor saw you from a distance: " We were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it." 

You walk towards the swingset: " And all of the memories, so close to me just fade away." 

You were riding on swing: " All this time you were pretending, So much for my happy ending." 

You felt the wind passing by: " You were everything, everything that I wanted." 

You got up: " We were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it."

A ray on sunshine shines on you like spotlight: " And all of the memories, so close to me, just fade away."

You sat down back down on the swing: " All this time you were pretending, So much for my happy ending." 

All the animals ran away after seeing Harry and the Mayor hiding near a bush. You sniffled " Everything I loved is gone. I will never find happiness again." 

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