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It was just a normal day at the guild. Gray was at the bar, drinking his life away, Natsu was eating ten times his bodyweight, Erza was checking up on everyone to make sure they were doing something relatively productive, and Gajeel was stalking Levy and Lucy while they were in the library. Everything seemed to be normal, but it wasn't. Juvia. That's what was missing in this normal day, but without her incessant drooling over Gray, it wasn't a normal day, especially not today. This was bothering Gray, he kinda missed all the attention, and without her, nobody really cared what he was doing. He wanted to speak up and ask where she was but knew that everyone would ask why and say that he missed her, which he didn't, or that's what he told himself. But thankfully Levy spoke up and asked before he did.

Le: has anyone seen Juvia today. It has been awfully quiet without her. I hope she's alright.

Er: She's probably fine, she can take care of herself. But I do know someone who can't.

All eyes went to Gray

Gr: I can take of myself. Since when have I been helpless.

Na: Since Juvia isn't here.

Gr: This has nothing to do with her, flame-brain.

Na: On the contrary princess. She usually keeps you on your feet, away from the bar, so you don't drink. She usually forces you on safer jobs because they are dangerous *cough* and you are too weak to do them anyway *cough*...


Na: And on top of that she keeps your clothes somewhat, let's say, near you.

The whole guild burst out laughing. They all knew the stuff Natsu was saying was true, but it was way more amusing to hear from Natsu's point of view, especially if he poked a bit of fun. Gray was not very amused, so he spoke up.

Gr: Oh yeah, well Lucy takes care of you like a dog because you can't seem to take care of yourself, you have never gone on a job without her, because you NEED HER. Me on the other hand, I don't need Juvia. I can deal with my own self. I don't need her to keep me away from the bar I need her to stay away from me, because she is the reason I sit there all the time already. I don't need her to take away difficult jobs that I KNOW I can handle, she is just to clingy, and won't let me do anything by myself, which is why I try to take one-man jobs, so that I can get away from her. Lastly, I only have my stripping problem because when I get into fights the clothes get in the way, and by the way the only time the fight is bad enough I need to strip is if Juvia caused the fight. Her laugh is annoying, her voice is like nails on a chalk board, she makes me want to punch her every time she clings to my arm, and the "sama" thing really gets under my skin. She makes my live a living hell and I am glad I don't have to see her today, and hopefully I never see her again.

The guild went silent. Everyone was left speechless, but not in a good way. Gray just continued to drink his beer, as everyone just stared at him in misbelief.

Gr: And yeah if you were wondering I don't miss her, if you missed that... anyway I'm leaving.

He walked out just like that, like nothing happened. Erza wanted to chase him down and beat him to a pulp, but Levy stopped her.

Le: Let him be, he'll come around and realize what he said.

Er: hmph...

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