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Juvia was quietly humming and cleaning up the rest of the mess Gray left in the kitchen. When she finished cleaning she set the table with the pancakes. She sat on the couch and began to wait for Gray. She got bored so she turned on the TV and ended up watching a cheesy romance movie. Gray finally got out of the shower after composing himself as best he could. He put on his clean clothes that he bought along with Juvia's. He walked into the living room and saw Juvia on the couch. He walked up behind her silently. He just admired her from behind the whole movie. Juvia started to get worried.

Ju: I hope Gray is ok, he has been in there for longer for an hour. I should probably check on him.

Gray was a bit taken back by her calling him his name without -sama at the end. He ran into the bedroom, so it would seem like he was in there and not watching Juvia. He walked out just as Juvia approached the door.

Ju: Oh, there you are Gray-sama, Juvia was starting to worry. She fixed breakfast, for us. It's at the table, come sit.

Gray and Juvia sat at the table and began to eat.

Ju: How is it? Juvia isn't the best at preparing food.

Gray tried to speak but his face was full of food. He swallowed it all down after chewing for what seemed like forever to Juvia.

Gr: Its amazing Juvia, thanks. Its way better than anything I could make, and I'm pretty sure we both know that.

They both laughed, they both felt happy. For a little while they both forgot they had to go back to the guild. But Gray remembered after breakfast.

Gr: Is it really two already, wow time flies. We need to get back to the guild. Come on Juvia, let's go.

Ju: Oh ok... I'll get my stuff.

Juvia was sad that she had to go back to the guild but was excited to see her friends again. She packed up the few belongings she had and cleaned up the room a bit before she went to the front door. There Gray was waiting, they nodded at each other and made their way out the door and toward the guild.

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