Where Am I

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Juvia was woken up by a strange smell. She was in an oddly familiar atmosphere, but she couldn't put her finger on it. She started to panic, thinking Sabre and Noctis took her to a new place. She began to cry out of fear, and since the room was filled with so much light, she couldn't really make out her surroundings. Her sobs began to get progressively louder, because she was getting more and more scared. Her sobs got to the point that she was gasping for air. She heard someone approaching the room. She tried to stop crying, in fear she would be beaten for misbehaving. Despite her efforts her tears kept coming and as they kept coming, so did the rain. When the door began to open, Juvia thought it was over. The storm outside intensified and began to pelt the windows with extreme force. The door opened, and a masculine male figure stood in the doorway.

Ju: I didn't mean to, I am so sorry. Please, don't hurt me, I'll do anything. I promise I'll behave from now on, just please don't hurt me. I can't control the rain, its not my fault. GO AWAY! Please, leave me alone, please.

The figure walked toward Juvia, she got up and ran to one of the windows and tried to open it so that she could escape or at least distract him, so she could use her powers. When she got to the window the figure ran to Juvia grabbing her away from the window before she could open it. The man had a strong grip on Juvia but no matter how hard Juvia fought it, he would overpower her. She heard the man speak but her mind was so filled with fear and her face with tears, she didn't hear them. She didn't struggle anymore, she had finally given up. She just stood like a doll, lifeless. The storm had reduced the light in the room, leaving it dim, but bright enough to see everything in it. She slowly began to recognize everything in the room. Her tears faded, and she realized she was in Gray's room. She turned to face the person, still holding her. It was Gray, his eyes were full of sadness, fear, and anger. Juvia began to cry and hugged Gray as she put her head in the crook of his neck. He began to stroke her hair lightly, attempting to comfort her. It seemed to work because after a few minutes, she looked up at Gray. She didn't really have an expression, but it was better than her crying.

Gr: Juvia, what happened in the cave. You never did tell me. I know that there is something you aren't telling me. Please tell me, so I can help you.

She nodded, she knew she had to tell him, because she knew that these "fits" wouldn't go away by themselves. They both sat on the bed and Juvia began to tell Gray the whole, in detail, story. She cried a few times, but Gray expected it. All he could do to comfort her was hold her hands and she continued to talk. When she was finished she looked down at the bed, ashamed. Neither of them said anything for a while.

Gr: Juvia... I... I should've stopped you. I should've talked to you before you left. If I did, then none of this would've happened. Its all my fault, I'm sorry.

Ju: How is this your fault? I took the job, you had nothing to do with my decision. If I hadn't been so selfish... It's not your fault, its mine. So, don't you dare beat yourself up or talk bad about yourself.

Gr: How were you selfish, you were taking the job to help other people, yeah there was a promised reward, but I know you didn't do it for the money.

Ju: I was and am selfish. If I want something I believe I deserve it, and I know that's wrong but that's how I am. I'm also extremely jealous and I don't know how to control my emotions.

She paused for a second to let her words sink in then she started again.

Ju: I was selfish, and I wanted all your attention, so when I didn't get it, I took the most dangerous job I could find to make you worry and miss me. I was so wrong to do that, I don't deserve your kindness after you risked your life for me, a useless, weak, selfish, jealous, and ugly girl. You deserve better than me, we both know that. You only let me stay because you felt bad for me... I should leave now, I'll get my stuff and you will never know I was ever here.

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