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The sun was beating down on Gray's sleeping figure. He began to wake up and stretch. He opened his eyes and noticed he wasn't alone. He looked next to him and Juvia was there. He rubbed his eyes over and over thinking he was imagining things.

Ju: It's me. I know I'm the last person you want to talk to now, but I had to apologize to you. I didn't mean to disappear without telling anyone, I just thought it would be better that way. I'm sorry for being rude to you when we were on the mission, I was just worried she would get away again. I'm sorry for pushing you away when you tried to help, I just was worried about Lyon fighting by himself. I really am sorry Gray, I hope you can forgive me eventually. I am going to leave this earth so that it will be at peace once more. Goodbye Gray.

Gray was unable to move and no matter how hard he struggled he was stuck in his place. Juvia got up and began to walk away she got farther and farther away. Gray tried to yell her name, but nothing came out. Juvia finally disappeared from his view and the world around him was enveloped in darkness. Juvia began to walk toward him but she wasn't the same as before. she stood directly in front of Gray. She was surrounded by a dark aura and had the Lamia Scale guild mark.

Ju: You did this to me. I loved you and you broke me. Why so you hate me so much? Am I that bad? I am going to leave this earth so that I will be at peace once more. I will be where my heart can't be broken, and my blood can't be shed. Its all your fault, and you did nothing to stop it.

Juvia then pulled out a knife and stabbed it into her stomach.

Ju: Because of you.

She grabbed another and stabbed her chest.

Ju: Because of you.

She got out a third one and just looked at it. She looked toward Gray who was frozen in fear. He could do nothing but watch. She handed the knife to Gray which he took against his will. His body stood on its own and raised the knife, ready to kill. He was screaming and crying but his body didn't make a noise. He tried to drop the knife, but his hand held it strong.

Ju: Finish me Gray. You never wanted me here because I cause you rain. Finish me so the rest of your days are without rain. You broke my heart and my soul, so why not finish what you began.

When Juvia finished her sentience, she held her arms out, allowing him to kill her easily. Gray's body lifted the knife and thrust it into Juvia's heart, right where he broke her. he took his hands off the knife and just stood there. Juvia's body crumpled to the ground and Gray was able to move his body freely now. Gray just stood looking down at her body, he knew he did this all by himself. He fell to his knees and let out all his anger, all his fear, and all his sadness, he let out everything right then and there. The world around him began to fade and all at once everything went black. His eyes opened, and he was under the same tree he slept under. His face was stained with tears which were still rolling down his face. He looked around in a rush to see if Juvia's body was there. She was nowhere to be found.

Gr: Why can't I be without her for longer than a day without needing her? She doesn't need me so why do I need her? I can't Just go back to the guild because id be interrogated about why I haven't been back in a while. I definitely can't go to Lamia Scale, that's a bad idea. I'll just be in the general area of their guild, and maybe I'll catch her outside. That's a good a plan as ever I guess.

Gray began toward Lamia Scale to speak to Juvia. He had no idea where he was, but he just kept walking in hopes to find her guild. He had been walking for a while but didn't really notice it until he found that he was in the middle of a guild celebration in the middle of the town square. He had no idea which town he was in until he caught sight of his least favorite ice mage, Lyon. He didn't have time to fight with Lyon, so he avoided him. Everybody was in fancy clothes which was confusing for Gray. He wandered up to a random party member and asked them what was going on. They said that they were celebrating the establishment of Lamia Scale. He wasn't amused by the answer and walked away. It had begun to rain a bit but didn't seem to dampen the partygoers. He wandered the outskirts of the party in hopes to catch a glimpse of Juvia, but he had no luck. He was getting tired of looking so he walked to the edge of the guild hall and he heard faint crying, or something like crying. Gray moved closer to see where the noise was coming from. There was a woman in a black dress sitting alone, crying. He walked closer and sat next to the woman. She musn't have noticed him because she didn't move.

Gr: Sorry to interrupt, but I just came over to see if you were ok.

The woman lifted her head a little and looked at Gray. She began to cry harder and hugged him hard. Gray was a bit surprised at this, but he just hugged her back. He rubbed small circles in her back to try and calm her. The woman had finally seemed to calm down a bit and so did the rain. Gray thought that the coincidence was odd but didn't think much of it until the woman spoke.

W: I'm sorry Gray-sama. I'm so sorry.

When Gray heard this, he hugged her even tighter. He knew who it was now, it was Juvia.

Gr: I'm the one who is sorry, I drove you away and didn't care about you like I do. You melted my frozen heart but in return I broke yours. I can't lose you again, please.

Juvia pulled away from him and cupped his face with her hands, smiling with tears still running down her face.

Ju: You could never lose me, even if you wanted to.

She placed a light kiss on his forehead and pulled him into another hug. She laid her head in the crook of his neck and just as she smiled, the rain stopped completely. Gray then whispered something but Juvia didn't know what he said.

Ju: Did you say something Gray-sama?

Gr: It wasn't that important you already know what it is anyway.

Ju: Can you tell me, please?

Gr: Are you sure you want to know? I mean its not THAT big of a deal.

Ju: Yes, I want to know. Stop teasing and just tell me.

Gr: Fine, if you must know. Just remember it's a secret.

Ju: I promise to not tell anyone.

Gray leaned toward her, so he could whisper it in her ear. Juvia was filled with excitement and curiosity. She felt his lips brush her ear and she turned beet red. Gray just hovered next to her ear for a few moments like he was wondering if he should tell Juvia or not. He finally laughed a little bit and spoke.

Gr: Juvia ~I love you~.

He pulled back from her ear and looked at her. Her eyes were wider than saucers and her hands were covering her mouth. She couldn't speak, she didn't know what to say. She was overwhelmed and so very happy.

Ju: Do you really?

Gray didn't expect this answer but understood where she was coming from.

Gr: Of course, I do. I loved you since the moment I met you, I just didn't realize it until you were gone. I am really sorry for driving you away and acting like I didn't like you. And to be honest I was a bit obsessed and way overprotective, if that wasn't obvious already.

Juvia began to cry, and threw herself at Gray, knocking him over, leaving him on his back and Juvia on top of him. Gray blushed and Juvia giggled. She looked him dead in the eye and smiled.

Ju: I love you even more than you could ever know Gray.

Gr: Damn Juvia, are you trying to make me cry.

Ju: I'm sorry I didn't mean to, I was just telling the truth.

Gr: I'm kidding, don't worry about it.

Juvia was still on top of Gray but neither of them cared at this point. They both just looked at each other and smiled. Without thinking Gray just said the very next thing on his mind.

Gr: You're so beautiful. Wait did I just, oh shit.

Ju: You really think so?

Gr: Well yeah... I mean look at you. Like damn, your perfect.

Juvia blushed and smiled covering her face with her hands.

Juvia is wearing the dress at the top.

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