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Juvia went into surgery soon after Gray had brought her, but that was two hours ago. Gray was still in the waiting room and hasn't moved from that spot since they took her. He was restless and couldn't stop saying that it was his fault. A nurse walked into the room and his head shot up, but she walked out as quick as she walked in. After a few more minutes another nurse walked in.

Nurse: Mr. Fullbuster?

Gray's head shot up. He quickly got up and walked to the nurse.

Gr: Yes, that's me. Is she ok? Can I see her. What happened?

Nurse: Please, calm down. The procedure went well. We had a few complications, but she pulled through. She hasn't woken up yet, but if you want to see her you can. Just mind the tubes and cords when you go in.

Gr: Take me to see her.

The nurse headed toward Juvia's room, with Gray close behind. She stopped in front of a room and motioned for Gray to go in. He quietly opened the door and gasped. Juvia was connected to tubes and cords everywhere on her body. He quietly stepped in and the nurse followed.

Gr: What is all this? She looks like an experiment.

Nurse: She had a substantial amount of water in her lungs, so some of the tubes are to help her breathe. Since she isn't awake yet, so she can't eat, so we inserted a tube in her throat, so we can feed her. The chords are keeping her heart beating, because during the procedure it stopped multiple times. Finally, the cords on her head are monitoring her brain activity due to the fact she had such a hard impact, we need to make sure it all works properly. She also has 19 stitches in her head from where she hit the rock. I believe that is all. I will be back to check on her in an hour and visiting hours will be over when I have returned.

The nurse left, closing the door behind her, leaving Gray in complete shock right where he was standing. He was afraid to move because he might mess something up. He walked slowly toward Juvia, minding where he stepped. He sat on the side of her bed, looking at her pale, blank face. All the color she used to have was gone. Her smile, gone. Her laugh, gone. Her glistening eyes, closed. She looked peaceful, but an uneasy peace. He grabbed one of her hands and just held it.

Gr: I don't know if you can hear me or not, but you scared me to death. This is the second time I've almost lost you. This better not be another one of your jealousy plans. Who was that guy you were dancing with? It was Lyon wasn't it. Why him, do you... like him? Geez, I sound so stupid right now. I need to see you smile before I leave, otherwise I'm not leaving your side. You got that Juvia?

He began to tear up. He wiped his eyes with his free hand.

Gr: What are you doing to me? Why am I like this around you? It makes no sense. Why won't you just answer me?!

His tears began to fall. He felt like he lost her, for good this time. He looked at the clock and noticed he only had ten minutes left to visit her.

Gr: I guess I have to go after all then. I'll let you have a few minutes alone before they come and check on you. I'll come and see you tomorrow then.

He kissed her hand and squeezed it a little bit. He stood up not letting go of her hand. He looked at her face once more and tried to let go of her hand, but it held onto his. He thought his mind was playing tricks on him, but her hand gave a tiny squeeze. His eyes went wide and sat next to her again.

Gr: Juvia? Are you awake?

She squeezed his hand.

Gr: Can you talk?

No squeeze.

Gr: Do you feel ok?


Gr: I am so sorry, this is all my fault. I shouldn't have scared you like I did.

No squeeze.

Gr: It is my fault though.

No squeeze.

Gr: Juvia?!


Gr: Are you trying to tell me that it's not my fault?


Gr: How can you even say that?! I was the reason you fell in. If I didn't yell at you, you would have been alright.

Neither of them did anything for a minute. Gray's mind was still swirling with thoughts.

Gr: Can I ask you one more thing?


Gr: Where you dancing with L...Lyon?


Gr: I see, well then. I guess I should let you be then. I'll be back in a few days to check on you ok. See you later Juvia.

Juvia squeezed his hand once more as Gray stood up to leave. Before Gray could take a step toward the door, it flew open, followed by Lyon. He shoved Gray out of the way and sat next to Juvia.

Ly: Juvia, my love!!! What has this demon done to you?! If only I had been there when you asked, you wouldn't be in this position. I am truly sorry. After you recover I promise to take you on a million of the most luxurious dates the world can provide.

Gr: What the hell dude, you can't just barge in like that!!!

Ly: You, you did this to her!!! Why are you even here?! You could have killed her because of your ignorance!!!

Gr: Me?! What did I do? I didn't to anything!!! It's her own fault that she was clumsy enough to fall in the water, which by the way, she is the rain woman, so she should be able to control her own water!!! I guess I should have believed everyone when they say she has no control over herself, just like a child. She has no reason to come back, all she will do is make it rain and rain ruins everyone's day, especially mine.

Lyon was taken aback at what Gray had said about Juvia, especially since she was in the room. Gray looked around the room once more and saw Juvia lying in the bed. He scoffed at her and left.

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