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Gray had been following the couple for hours. they had lead him to a small house on the outskirts of town. As the couple entered her heard high screams and the smashing of objects. He snuck up to one of the windows and he saw Juvia and Lyon towering over an old woman, like they were going to kill her. Just as Gray thought this, Juvia raised her hand to kill the woman. Gray ran in the door and shoved Juvia's hand out of the way of the woman.

Ju: You idio... ARGHH!!!

Juvia was shot by who was the older woman, but now is a young female fire mage. She was thrown across the room and against the wall.

FM: At first, I though she finally had me, but thanks to you I have her.

Lyon began to fight the mage and Gray ran to Juvia. She was out cold and bleeding a small puddle on the floor.

Gr: Come on Juvia, wake up. Damn, why do I mess up everything.

Ju: I don't know, but that's all you seem to do.

Juvia had woken up and began to stand. Gray was hurt by her words but knew they were true. He tried to help Juvia up, but she pushed him off.

Ju: I don't need your help.

She rushed over to help Lyon, leaving Gray standing over Juvia's blood. The first time he saw it was at the lake. He was the cause of her blood to spill then and now. He knew he had to make it up to her somehow, but later because she is in battle with the fire mage. Gray rushed over to help but the mage was already dead. Both Lyon and Juvia were bleeding and covered in ash and burnt cloth. Juvia was already tending to Lyon's wounds instead of her own. When Gray tried to speak both Lyon and Juvia shot him death glares. He didn't say anything and just stood there.

Ju: You need to leave, you almost compromised our mission. You caused us to get hurt, like always. Why do you always follow me, I can handle myself. Now leave.

Gr: But Juv...

Ju: GET OUT!!!

Gray didn't even say anything, he just bolted out the door and ran. He kept running and running. He ran so long it had become dark. He finally stopped and sat down under a large tree. He didn't know what to do anymore. He just pulled his knees to his chest and slept.

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