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Juvia headed to Gray's apartment to pay him back. She got a bit nervous that she would get told to go away but when she got to the door she knocked anyway. When Gray opened the door, he was a bit shocked to see Juvia, but he let her in.

Gr: Juvia? What do you need at this time of night? It better be important.

Ju: Juvia came to repay Gray-sama for the hotel, supplies and clothes he bought for her. She has the money, here, take it. It is the least Juvia can do to repay Gray-sama for all the trouble he went thought because of Juvia.

Gray looked at her confused. He took the money and counted it. She had given him 700 dollars. He knew he couldn't take it, but he also knew she wouldn't let him give it back. So, he stuffed the money in his pocket and intended to put it back in her house without her knowing.

Gr: You don't have to repay me for anything Juvia. I chose to do it, I wanted to.

Ju: Juvia needed to repay you somehow, otherwise it would bother her.

Gr: Is that all you needed?

Ju: Oh yes... Juvia should go now. Goodnight Gray-sama.

Juvia walked toward the door but something grabbed her hand. She looked behind her to see Gray, with his hand grabbing hers, his head looking at the ground. She walked towards Gray still hand in hand. Gray looked at Juvia, let go of her hand and just looked into her eyes. Their faces gradually got closer, until Juvia could feel Grays breath on her lips. She couldn't move, she was terrified. She didn't know what to do. Finally, Gray closed the distance between them. He wrapped his arms around Juvia's waist, and she put her hands in his hair, fully embracing the kiss. Gray's tongue licked Juvia's lips for entrance, and she granted it. His tongue explored her mouth. Juvia moaned in pleasure. Gray kissed down Juvia's neck, Juvia moved her hair aside, granting Gray more access. Gray found her soft spot and sucked it. Juvia became a moaning mess. She couldn't control herself.

Ju: Ahh~ Gray~ Mhmm~ Ahh~

Gray left an obvious spot, so that anyone and everyone could see it. Gray kissed the spot for a bit, licked it and backed up to admire his work.

Gr: Perfect, now everyone will know you are mine.


Gr: That's the point Juv, I want everyone to know that you are mine.

Juvia blushed. She felt happy to be called his. She never thought it would happen, but she was glad it did.

Ju: Could... could Juvia... I stay over tonight? She... I am lonely without Gr... you.

Gr: Of course, Juv, I don't want you to be lonely, now do I?

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