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As they walked for a little while, neither of them said anything. They just kept silently walking, enjoying the beauty of the world around them. They walked for what seemed like forever, but they reached the train station. They bought their tickets and hopped on. The train ride was long and quiet, except for the occasional baby cry or child scream. When they reached Magnolia, the sun was beginning to set. They got out of the train and headed to the guild. Juvia was humming and smiling as she walked beside her beloved Gray-sama. Everything seemed right in the world. Juvia stopped walking and humming and just looked at the sunset, it was gorgeous, the most gorgeous one she had seen in her life. Tears began to form in her eyes, due to the bright sun, but she didn't care, she had to soak up the last bit of beauty that day had in store for her.

Gr: You ok Juvia, is something up?

Juvia looked Gray dead in the eye and smiled.

Ju: Everything is perfect, Gray, thank you.

Gray blushed, he didn't know why but he did. He was also confused that he was called "Gray" by Juvia, the girl who calls him "Gray-sama", the girl who obsesses over him every waking moment, the girl who could light up his world with a smile. He was so confused, so he thought the best thing to do was pretend that nothing had happed and go about the day like normal, so he shrugged and continued to walk toward the guild. Juvia began walking and humming again, following Gray's lead. They walked until they saw the guild in the distance. Juvia sprinted toward the guild as fast as she could, even if her legs felt as if they were on fire she didn't care, she just wanted to see her friends again. She stopped in front of the door taking deep breaths as she walked in. The guild wasn't exactly as busy as usual, but it was still home to Juvia. As she walked in she began to cry. She set her stuff on the nearest table and walked towards the large huddle of people.

Er: Alright, here is the plan. We storm all the cities Juvia has been, try to find anything that could lead to her whereabouts. If you find anything, send the signal and we all will come to help you. Any questions?

Ju: One question, what do we do when she returns?

Everyone jumped at the familiar voice. Everyone turned and looked and were shocked to see Juvia standing behind them. They all cheered and ran up to her, engulfing her in a huge hug. All the girls began to cry, and even the guys shed a tear or two, when they saw Juvia alive and well. After a few minutes the hug broke and everyone was asking questions left and right. Juvia was overwhelmed but happy to be home.

Er: Juvia, your back! We missed you so much. Are you ok?

Ju: Juvia missed all of you. She is a bit scratched up, but she is ok.

Le: What happened to you? We were so worried.

Na: Yeah, tell us what happened.

So Juvia explained going on the beginning part of the quest which was normal, but the second part she had to talk to mages about a "secret order" which turned out to be Sabre and Noctis. She told them about getting kidnapped and being held in the cave and how they treated her.

Ga: That's horrible Juvia, I'll make them pay for what they did to you.

Gr: No worries, I already took care of them. Trust me they won't ever get up again.

All heads turned to Gray.

Na: You saved Juvia? No way, I don't think so.

Gr: If you don't believe me ask her yourself.

Na: Did he save you, or did you let him think he did.

Ju: Oh yes, Gray-sama saved Juvia, she is very grateful. If he had come any later, Juvia might not be alive.

Gr: HA! See flame brain I did save her.

Lu: Ok guys, that's enough. Let Juvia have
some space, she probably would like some time to herself, without hearing constant bickering. So, get lost.

Gray and Natsu leave reluctantly.

Le: We should get you home, its getting late. You could probably get some rest, since you were travelling all night.

Ju: Oh no, Juvia wasn't travelling all night, she and Gray-sama stayed the night at a hotel.


Ju: No no no, nothing like that, he just thought Juvia could use some rest. Juvia thought it was kind of him to spend money on her. He even bought her medical supplies and clothes, because she didn't have any. She is very grateful.

Er: So, your telling me that Gray Fullbuster, spent his own personal money on clothes and medicine?!

Lu: Money he was saving up to buy a house?!

Ju: Yes, but if Juvia had known, she wouldn't have let him. She must go and pay him back. Juvia will see you tomorrow. Goodnight.

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