Hurt You

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Gr: J-Juvia, are you o-ok, did the medicine do something to you...

He backed into the bed, he tripped and landed on the bed. He tried to say something but Juvia just put her finger over his mouth shushing him. He gulped again. He tried to back away on the bed, but Juvia forced him to lay down. She sat directly on his cock. Gray was already hard but his made it so much worse. Juvia began to grind slowly on Gray.

Gr: J-Juvia what are you... Y-Your making me... J-Juvia...

Juvia began to unbutton Gray's pants, not looking away from is red face. Gray couldn't take it any longer. He rolled Juvia over, with him on top. Juvia smirked.

Gr: Is this how your gonna play. Well two can play at that game, Juv.

He took off his shirt, revealing his toned chest. Juvia ran her finger up and down his chest, stopping at his V-line. She hooked her finger on his pants and began to tug them down. She looked him in the eye smirking, she knew what she was asking for. He only looked away for a second. He knew he shouldn't do this, even though he wanted to. He slowly began to back off Juvia, leaving her lying down on the bed.

Gr: I can't do this to you, especially not in your state of being right now.

Juvia sat up and tried not to flinch when pain was sent throughout her body when she moved. She was in so much pain, but she didn't want Gray to feel sorry for her.

Ju: But Juvia is fine, she only has a few cuts and bruises.

Gr: No, you're not. I'm not blind Juvia, I can see that every time you move, it hurts you, and I don't like seeing you hurt, and I especially don't want to cause you to hurt. I did, didn't I? I caused you to hurt.

Gray hung his head knowing the answer, feeling ashamed of himself. He cared so much for Juvia, he may even love her, but he doesn't know it yet. All he knows is that he doesn't want her to be in any pain, especially any caused by him.

Ju: Gray-sama couldn't hurt Ju...

Gr: Don't lie to me Juvia, tell me the truth.

Juvia didn't say a word, knowing the answer might upset him even more than he was. She just stared at the floor.

Gr: That's all I needed to know. I'll see you tomorrow Juvia, sleep well.

And with that he walked out of the room, neither of them speaking a word. Juvia walked up to the door to see if she could hear Gray, but it was silent. She cracked the door open to see if he was still there. She scanned the hotel room for any sign of him. With no luck she slowly opened the door and snuck into the main area. She tip-toed around the room, to not disturb the quiet. She heard a faint noise coming from the couch. She snuck up behind the couch and looked over at a sleeping Gray. She smiled at the sight, admiring him for a few minutes. She gave him a kiss on the forehead and went back to the bedroom to get some rest.

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