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Juvia finally noticed that she was sitting on Gray and jumped up, in fear she was hurting him.

Ju: I am so sorry, I didn't mean to do that. Are you ok?

Gr: Yeah, I'm fine, you aren't heavy you know.

Juvia then hung her head and mumbled.

Ju: Lyon said I was.

Gr: He did what?! He was the one to make you cry?! He's gonna regret that decision when I kill him. Did he say anything else to you?

Ju: Umm well yeah, but I don't think it's a good idea to tell you.

Gr: Juvia, I'm not gonna let anyone hurt my woman in any way. Tell me so I can deal with it, this is how I can repay for some of the pain I caused you.

Ju: Y...your w... woman???

Gr: Yes, you are my baby girl from now until forever and I'm never gonna let anyone hurt you.

Ju: I'll tell you on one condition.

Gr: Name it.

Ju: Don't call me your woman.

Gray walked toward Juvia until their faces were inches apart.

Gr: Of course, ~baby girl~.

Juvia looked at her feet in fear of her fantasies taking over her mind. Gray gently grabbed her chin and moved her head to face him

Gr: It's disrespectful too not look someone in the eyes when they are talking to you, you know. By the way you still need to keep your end of the deal, remember?

Ju: I remember, I just didn't want to tell you. I guess I have to, now don't I?

Gr: If you don't want to you don't have to. The only thing I want you to tell me is who made you cry earlier.

Ju: You probably wont like it but... it was Lyon. He asked me to marry him and I said no. I didn't know why, but I did. After I said no he started to make fun of me and my insecurities. I don't know why he did it he usually is never like that.

Gray stood in deep thought, holding onto Juvia's shoulders looking over at the party.

Gr: I have a feeling I know what's going on. Follow me.

Gray grabbed Juvia's hand and lead her into the crowd. She held on tight to his hand so that she wouldn't lose him in the large mass of people. When Gray spotted Lyon, he noticed that his hair was darker than usual, and he walked weird. He knew something was wrong with Lyon but didn't know what. As he pulled Juvia closer, Lyon got on high alert, like something was approaching. Gray stopped in his tracks and backed up with a confused Juvia close in tow. As he backed away, Lyon seemed to calm down and acted like everything was normal. Gray turned to Juvia and saw her confused expression.

Gr: I have a feeling that I know what's wrong with Lyon. I'm gonna need your help if you are up to it.

Ju: Of course, hopefully we can help Lyon-san. I don't like to see him like this. What do you think is wrong with him?

Gr: I have a feeling that he is not the real Lyon, but a shapeshifter. The real Lyon would be all over you trying to convince you to marry him, which of course makes me hate him even more.

Ju: That makes since, its probably someone from the same order as the fire mage. I am glad that Lyon-san doesn't hate me.

Gr: Stop with the "Lyon-san" thing, you are mine and mine only, which means you can only call me things like that, and me only, got it.

Juvia was a bit surprised at Gray's outburst but knew he was just jealous. So, she didn't plan on letting it go so easily. She planned on using his jealousy to her advantage.

Ju: Sorry, I will try to stop.

Gr: Good, now here is the plan. You will distract the whole crowd, including "Lyon" so that I can get around the crowd to him. If he isn't paying attention, get him to. Once I am near him, I'll try and knock him out but if I fail to do this, which I probably won't, but if I do, you need to get to him as soon as you can to help me take him out. Keep in mind, he seems to be able to sense when you are close, so it may be a bit hard to get to him. Got it?

Ju: I understand, but how do I distract the whole crowd?

Gr: No idea, just figure it out while I make sure Lyon stays here. Be back in half an hour, and make sure your distraction is good, this is probably our only chance at this.

Ju: Don't worry, I have an idea.

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