welcome to hyrule castle!

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the day was turning to nightfall, and you were currently riding across hyrule field with your two new friends. anya and judo were arguing about something minor and you were daydreaming, staring off into the field. you've never really been to the fields, or castle town. you were very excited about your new job!

but other things washed over your mind. where were you going to live? what if people there didn't like you? what if you got fired?

you groaned to yourself and looked up towards the sky. you squinted.

were those...

rito people?!

you've never seen the rito before and your eyes widened. the beautiful arrange of different colours flew above, spreading out their long wings. two of the ritos were holding some sort of ribbon in their beaks and they flew to the large gates that close off castle town.

"hey, judo."

judo turned his attention to you, ignoring whatever anya was saying.

"what are those rito people doing?"

judo looked towards the large metal gates and hummed.

"i think they're setting up for the big ceremony tomorrow."


"the what?"

"the ceremony. you don't know about it? ...where have you been for the past few weeks?"


"care to explain?"


"well, y/n, everyone's been running around, setting up decorations and what not for the coronation of the guardians of hyrule. there's urbosa, chief of the gerudo people, daruk, leader of the gorons, princess mipha of the zoras and there's revali. he's the great rito warrior."

you nodded your head slowly, you looked at the gates again and saw the two ritos hanging up the large blue ribbon above it. you neared the metal doors and the guards you were with had stopped in front of it. they called out, telling the other knights that they have arrived and soon enough, the gates started to open slowly, revealing the most gorgeous sight.

there were colourful tents everywhere, with hylians and all the other species were selling their goods. zoras were waving to customers and gorons were laughing loudly, the ritos were showing customers their clothing and so were the gerudos. it was such a wonderful sight to you, you've never seen all of the other species before and you smiled to yourself. castle town was booming with sounds of people chatting and laughing.

mother and father should sell our products here!

your e/cs then gazed upon the wondrous and luxurious fountain in the centre, the water was clear and sparkling in the sunlight. children were running around, smiling and you couldn't help but feel your heart melt at the sight. you turned to anya.

"i think i'm going to like working at hyrule castle!"

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