risky actions

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you woke up in your bedroom, the sun was shining through your balcony glass doors and you rubbed your eyes. you then sat up and yawned, your droopy eyes wandering around your room until they fell upon a large and beautiful dress on the ground. you smiled. you then looked towards your vanity where a certain hylian sat and was sipping on some tea. 

you squinted at them for a minute. 


you fell out of your bed full of shock and immediately covered yourself with the dress on the ground. your face red and warm. 

the champion chuckled and placed his tea on the vanity surface.

"good morning, (y/n). sleep well?"

you nodded and blushed even more, why was link in YOUR room? you then realised a potential reason and hid your face with the gown. link raised his eyebrow and watched you curiously.

"um, l-link?"




"um, d-did we...u-uhh..."

you peeked from behind your dress and saw link's own face flush of deep red, the tips of his ears getting brighter and brighter.

"n-no! i just came in about ten minutes ago..."

the room went silent as you both stared at each other, faces red and hot. link then started to chuckle as you started to giggle and you both laughed loudly. you grew quiet when you heard link's wonderful laugh as it reached your ears since you've never heard it before. your eyes gleamed at him and he smiled. 

"want some tea?"

you nodded and checked your outfit before you stood up, you weren't really sure what you would be wearing since your mind had convinced you that you two had done it last night. you sighed in relief when you saw your nightgown and you walked over to link where he still sat, holding the cup of tea ever so delicately in his hands. 

you grabbed it from his hands it and drank from where link drank it, you smiled a bit as memories from last night flashed into your mind. 

the dance.

the kiss.

everything flooded through your mind and you felt butterflies in your stomach. you couldn't believe that the hero of hyrule had felt the same way about you!


you put the tea down as link stood up, and he gently placed his hand on your waist, and the other under your chin as he brought you in for a sweet and longing kiss. you melted in his arms, the warmth of his hands reaching your skin and the softness of his lips on yours. link pulled away and kissed your cheek. you giggled.

"okay, link, you gotta get out. i need to change and you said we couldn't be seen together like this, remember?"


"i know, just...let me stay here for a little longer."

the young champion then brought you in for another kiss, this time more intense and passionate. you moaned a bit and your cheeks once again got hot and you pulled away. 

"link, i'm serious. i need to change otherwise fludia's gonna yell at me again!"

link chuckled and agreed. he opened the door and left your room. 

a knight's promise // botw link x readerWhere stories live. Discover now