heya! so question for u guys, how do u feel about having a (maybe a few?) lemon in this book??
i'm actually kinda open to the idea of writing one, but i'll only write one if u guys want it!! hehe
the next day, you were a ball of cheerfulness and contentment.
you couldn't believe that THE link, princess zelda's appointed knight and one of the champions of hyrule had talked to you for almost two hours! you felt yourself grow more attached to the young knight (even though you didn't really know him).
you walked over to anya, beaming. she raised an eyebrow and eyed you playfully. she stared at you and noticed a glimmer in your eyes.
"y/n, what happened?"
you tilted your head, confused. you were still beaming.
"you're acting really...jumpy and happy today."
you couldn't hold it in anymore and you whispered over to anya, making sure no one else heard.
"i hung out with link yesterday."
you hushed your friend, and giggled when you saw her jaw practically touching the ground.
"how?! what?! why didn't you tell me sooner?!"
"calm down! well, you see..."
you explained the whole situation to her, except for the part about his parents, and she jumped up and down out of excitement. she then stopped and smirked at you.
"what? why are you looking at me like that?"
anya smirked even more while she nudged you in the ribs with her elbow. she whispered to you.
"you know what this means? you guys are going to meet up more and spend more time together, which could definitely lead to being in bed with--"
"anya! oh my goddesses, no!"
your face started to heat up immensely, now thanks to anya, not-so-innocent thoughts were running through your mind. you covered your face with your hands, trying to hide your embarrassment. you've never really experienced anything like this, sure, you've had tons of crushes back at hateno village but they were all farmer boys and spent all their time being in bars and most of them didn't return your feelings. and besides, you wanted something other than farmer boys.
anya laughed hysterically at you, grabbing unwanted attention from all of the other workers. suddenly, fludia walked up to you and scolded both of your behaviours, her strict voice filling up the room. the tall hylian walked away and anya chuckled some more.
after you finished your work in the main rooms, you started to head up to zelda's room. you carefully walked up the stairs, carrying your equipment. a few maids walked past you, already walking down the hallway while you were still trying to lift your cleaning equipment with two hands.
"here, i'll help."
you whipped your head around and faced a familiar pair of striking blue eyes.
"l-link! u-um, thanks, t-that would be quite h-helpful."
the knight gave you a small closed smile and took the cleaning equipment off you, his gloved hand gently touching yours. you blushed, your ears were surely red and you looked away.
you both walked up the stairs, link insisted on carrying the rest of the equipment to zelda's room for you. you felt your heart melt, link was a true gentleman through and through. your mind then wandered back to your conversation earlier with anya and you shook your head. trying to get those...thoughts out of your mind.
"something wrong?"
you jumped a bit from link's voice and shook your head from side to side.
link's straight and strict expression changed slightly, it looked a bit more lighter. you quickly caught up to him and he knocked on the princess' door. a gentle voice was heard from the inside and he opened it.
you could hear zelda sigh.
"link, please, i don't need a knight to follow me around everywhere, i am fine! nothing can hurt me in my own room. please, just, leave me alone for once--"
you appeared in the doorway and cut the princess off from speaking to link any further.
"u-um, link was just trying to help me get my equipment up to your room...he just wanted to help."
you remembered what link had said about zelda the day before, and you knew that behind his silent and emotionless side, there was a side where link would feel various emotions on a daily basis but of course, being a champion and all, he never showed it. but it was still there.
zelda's angry and annoyed expression instantly fell to a soft one when her bright green eyes laid on you. she felt guilty.
"i'm...i'm sorry... thank you link, for helping y/n."
zelda smiled gently at her knight. her voice was soft and quiet.
link said and did nothing but place down the cleaning supplies on the floor. he turned and left, leaving you in the doorway by yourself. you looked back at him and frowned slightly.
"thank you, y/n. my room has been a complete mess since i've been researching these ancient guardians."
"really? is it that fascinating? what is it?"
you were curious about these guardians. you've never seen or heard of them before.
"yes! they are quite remarkable machines and they hold ancient shiekah energy inside them. we've only found them recently, i've been researching with purah and robbie."
zelda walked over to you with books and papers in her arms. she settled them down on her large bed and motioned you to come sit with her. you meekly walked over and sat down next to the princess, still feeling out of place since you were just a maid. she then started explaining about the sheikah in general, but mostly about the guardians. you smiled at the princess' passion and told her that you found guardians interesting as well.
zelda's eyes widened and sparkled. you giggled at her excitement, she was such a child! zelda continued to blabber on about ancient machines and ancient history to you for another hour or so. until link returned to her room, his face motionless and still.
"link? what are you doing here?"
the blonde opened his mouth and spoke in a high manner.
"your highness, it's time we leave for goron city. your father wants you back by nightfall."
zelda sighed and glanced back at you.
"it was really nice talking to you, y/n. we're going to be great friends for sure, i just know it."
the young princess jumped up from her bed and walked over to link.
"goddesses, they look perfect together..."
you frowned a bit as zelda waved at you and smiled. you waved back, a sincere smile on your face. the young hylian walked away, but link was still standing in the doorway.
his blue eyes connected with your e/c ones and he smiled at you, you blushed and tucked a strand of h/c hair behind your pointed ear. link's cheeks grew a soft pink and he walked away, his boots echoing in the corridor.

a knight's promise // botw link x reader
Fanfictiona cute lil story between you and link before the calamity! (side note! this story is not related to 'silent memories' in any way!) ✫*゚・゚。.☆.*。・゚✫*.✫*゚・゚。.☆.*。・゚✫*.✫*゚・゚。.☆.*。・゚✫*. lower case is intentional! <3