Chapter One: Spill

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Seth POV

It was October 23rd. A time when I was often "sick" during the school year, because of my uncontrollably steaming hot skin. A teacher had become suspicious once and ever since I've been staying home with some kind of phony excuse.

"Seth," a firm hand shaking my shoulder whispered to me, "get your lazy ass up."

"Leah five minutes," I said turning over.

Alice had seen unexpected visitors, she couldn't tell if it was danger, but being that Jacob, the alpha of our small 3 person pack, had imprinted on a resident of the house, we have been up all night watching.

Thinking this made me wonder what it would be like to imprint. I had lost hope at this point, everyone else imprinted. I was the only left. Even Leah, the emotionless pain in the ass had imprinted. not fair.

I rolled out of my bed onto my knees. I changed my shirt and shorts, put on a long sleeve, applied deoterant and cologne.

I ate my 3 bowls of cereal and brushed my teeth, checking myself out in the mirror. how can I not have imprinted, I'm hot.

I drove to school and parked in my usual spot, but there was a new car in the usually empty spot. I looked around confused, no one talked to me anymore, everyone says I'm different.

I turned quick headed straight to my class when my body collided with another, without hesitation my arm fell to the strange new persons hips. I blinked twice, what was weird.

I looked to my arms and saw a frail girl shivering in her dark ripped jeans, converse, and big floppy red raincoat. As I stared in her warm calming big brown eyes, I saw my self in the back of my head with this girl. it was like nothing I've ever seen before.

Like a movie with vivid colorful visions of myself and this small girl, to the point of marriage.

"Um..," she started her voice soft and high, "can I stand up now?"

My cheeks were hurting I was smiling so big, I was weirdly happy, as I set this beautiful creature on her two tiny feet. She giggled like music and introduced herself.

"Hi, I'm Alex," I stared blankly at her as she lifted her hand to shake mine.

I was lost in her brilliant eyes, loving the feeling of looking at this wonderful piece of art god made.

"This is the point when you shake my hand," she said her eyes crinkling in the corners as she threw her head back in laughter.

I looked at her hand and shook softly, breathless.

"What's your name?" she asked me innocently.

"S-Seth," I stuttered, no Seth you idiot. she probably thinks your mute or something.

I shook my head and blinked a couple of times.

I looked back to her, her presence was addicting, and in many ways comforting. She was smiling ear to ear, her perfectly shaped teeth in line and pearly white.

She stepped aside me and opened the passenger side of what I assume is her car. she pulled out a book.

"Your a senior?" I asked her.

"Yup" she said popping the p and slamming the door shut.

She locked the car and we walked into the school together.

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