Chapter Two: Its all Real

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Alex's POV

I had been a new student in high school for a week when I bumped into Seth Clearwater. of course a ton of people saw us walking in together and everyone assumed we were together, which we had just met.

When I first saw him he was weirdly quiet, but he kept staring at me and smiling like he was a blind man to just saw the sun for the first time.

His smile was contagious and was absolutely adorable. his like baby face made me fall in love right away.

That day at lunch he sat alone. I saw him sit and peeked. he was staring out the window. I stood up, all the popular people I hung out with but didn't like much all made faces at me.

I sat by him and he jerked up meeting my eyes right away.

We talked about everything that day. he even invited me to go on a walk that night.

I gladly excepted and after school he followed me to my house to drop my shitty car off. I hopped in his car and he smiled at me.

I smiled back and we linked fingers. his skin was very warm, like really really warm. but I let it go maybe that's why he didn't show up to school much.

We arrived at his house and he introduced me to his sister who gave me a glare and a head nod. Seth made a growl like noise and Leah rolled her eyes. she shook my hand and apologized for being rude.

Seth looked pleased and he took my hand and lead me out to the woods behind his house. we walked for five minutes in a comfortable silence as he lead me through the thick green forrest. my feet tripping every now and then and my occasional laugh, laughing at my clumsiness. every time I fell he hung on to me tighter with a smile. he had dimples by his eyes when he smiled.

He lead me to a little creek that had a baby waterfall.

He sat on a bench and pulled me next to him.

"Your not gonna murder me and leave me in the creek are you?" I asked with humor.

He let out a big laugh and wrapped an arm around me. it felt so right.

"I have to explain something to you, and it might scare you." he said in all seriousness, "just promise me that you will let me finish and not run screaming."

"I'll try" I said with a laugh thinking how scary could this kid with the cutest baby like face be.

"Okay so you know those stories, of how we descend from were wolves? and all those stories about vampires?" he asked me

I nodded my head, this was ridiculous.

"Well half of it is true. I mean that we did descend from them and vampires are real. were wolves are also a thing, and the reason I'm telling you this is because I am a werewolf. and were wolves do this thing when they are in love. it's called imprinting and I have imprinted in you. I've been waiting for this since I became a were wolf the first time."

This kid is crazy. why do I fall for the weird ones. I mentally cursed myself.

"You don't believe me do you?"

I shook my head looking at a tree in the distance.

He sighed loud and said "I didn't think id have to do this. please don't be scared, I won't hurt you, if I did I would kill myself, when a were wolf imprints it's like all of a sudden that girl is the center of their world. you don't know love until you imprint, and I don't think my life could be any better when I'm with you."

He started to take off his clothes and my dirty mind started racing.

Already? we just met today,

"Please don't run away,"

"I won't I promise,"

He was just in his boxers when he held his pinky out, I linked mine with his and smiled.

"Close your eyes for a sec,"

I closed my eyes and I heard a slight whoosh sound.

I opened my eyes and saw his boxers laying by the pile of other clothes. I looked up and saw a ginormous wolf like creature staring at my face.

My eyes grew wide as the animal laid on the dirt with a small whine. the eyes were just like Seth's and I felt like i was still with him. it must be true.

It's like all those fairy tails my mom told me were true.

I reached for his head and stroked his grayish fur. it was thick and soft. I smiled.

I can do with this.

He threw his head to the trees telling me to look away. I heard the whoosh sound again and heard him pull his pants up. I heard a zipper and opened my eyes.

He looked at me right into my eyes.

"W-what'd ya think?" he asked me with a tiny smile. I smiled and stepped forward.

I wrapped my arms around his neck. his warm arms wrapping around my back.

He pulled my face back and kissed me. the kiss was full of passion. I could tell he was sincere when he said he would never hurt me.

That night I spent the night at his house, not even bothering to tell my sister about my absence. she wouldn't care, she's been my guardian for 7 years, and she's been depressed and doing drugs. I refuse to let my selfish jerk of a dad who took my mom away from murder to let my future be like that.

He told me about the Cullen family, about Bella, and Renesmee. he told me about Jacob and how he imprinted on Nes. He told me all the powers that family has and all the fights he was in.

I told him my mother died in a car accident and my father committed suicide, cuz he couldn't and wouldn't imagine a world without my mother. I told him how my sister got into drugs, prostitution and drinking. how she had 4 miscarriages and 7 abortions.

I told him how I refuse to be like her, and that I would love him forever.

"Not as much as I'll love you" he replied, I was laying on his stomach and he was running his hands through my hair and down my back, giving me chills.

"You know, I don't have to be a were wolf to know what it feels like when someone imprints on you."

He told me everything about being a werewolf.

And then he hummed me to sleep.

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