Chapter 21: Patrols

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*okay omg I'm almost to 800 reads and my goal is 1K. I seriously started this story because over the summer I read the twilight books and started thinking what would happen to Seth and everyone else after the books and this is my version. I love my story and I love that I can share it with anyone else who loves it! I'm only in 9th grade and I suck at English (and I'm kinda dumb but that's just me😂) so sorry for any mistakes! Thanks for reading :))))))))))))*

Seth POV

Alex had a panic attack last night and it scared the living hell out of me. as soon as Leah ran out of the house screaming for me my heart knew something was wrong.

But she's finally mine again, and though it's only been a month or so, it's felt like 500 years to me. I've never seen her break like that but I've heard her horrific cries and screams of terror after she has her nightmares and that's enough to haunt me forever.

I knew I had to stay strong for Alex because she was never well after we took that break.

I was running late for my patrols and I set Alex on the couch, turning the fire place on and pulling fuzzy blankets on her sleeping body. She slept so soundly, her mouth was slightly ajar.

I took my shorts off and threw them in the bush.

I ran into the woods, phasing.

Embry knock it off!

Quil your no fun!

Guys stop fighting

I thought about making up with Alex, how she would probably be running into my arms when I get home.

Congrats man

Seth, hey!

Everyone here has mushy thoughts, I'm out.

Later, I thought.

I ran around the cliffs and beaches, trying to block my imprint from my mind so I could concentrate on keeping her safe.

My mind was unusually quiet, Brady and Paul must not have come for patrols.

I made my way to Sams place, to see if something was up.

I saw the pack outside the house and I walked over.

"I don't care!" Sam shouted, "the Cullen's are no threat to any of us!"

"But she went over the line Sam! She broke the treaty!" Colin yelled.

"Jacob is a part of our pack, and that is his imprint," Sam said calmly.

"He skipped his patrols, he's never here!" Brady joined him.

I never really thought I liked either of the new kids, they were okay, but not my best friends.

I wished the time would speed up so I could hold my Alex. all this talk of imprints make me yearn for her.

"Seth!" Sam ordered my attention, "go to the Cullen's tomorrow and tell them to watch where they step over the border, and remind Jacob of his duties,"

I nodded my giant head and turned to leave.

"Seth you can go home," Sam said.

I looked at him confused.

"I heard you and Alex made up, go be there for your imprint," he explained as Colin and Brady complained about having more work.

I ran home with joy, I never ever get breaks!

She was still sleeping on the couch, and I turned the kitchen light off. I grabbed a pillow and blanket and settled beside Alex on the floor.

"Seth?" My favorite voice called.

I sat up, and we knocked heads. she giggled, that's another thing I love about her, she isn't as fragile as some may think.

She tried to make room for me on the couch and patted the small spot beside her. I laughed and she smiled.

I stood up, picking up her body and blankets, she clung to me surprised.
I laid on the couch, setting her on top of me where she fits so perfectly.

She nudged her head on my chest and fell into a deep sleep.

I ran my fingers through her long, thick brown hair that had little natural high lights.

My eyes started to droop, and I decided to let myself fall into a sweet dream of Alex.

*remember one vote for update! Comments make them come faster! Thanks for reading*

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