Chapter 27: Love

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*im squealing like a 4 year old kid who just got that princess doll for Christmas! I hit 1K! Yes! Thank you so much!

If I have any Jacob fans, check out my Jacob fanfic, it's kinda seth too, I really like it cuz babies are cute*

Seth POV

*cue two is better than one,boys like girls*

The day went by way too fast, from getting her mothers ring to seeing my beautiful bride walk down the isle.

I knew she hated all that attention on her but she sucked it up to marry me. she was by far the best girl I could ever think was alive. and not only is she my wife, best friend, but my imprint, my soul mate. and I can't thank god enough for her.

I wish her parents could be here, to see their baby girl in that beautiful dress. to see her sister grow up for her today. I wish I could've met them, if they were anything like Alex, I'm sure I would have loved them.

People say that dating girls without a father or without parents at all is hard, which is true. but in this case, I met her at the right time, I was the person she needed when she had no one.

I felt my love radiating off my body as I kissed my now wife.

I picked her up bridal style and she gripped onto my shoulders giggling that giggle that made me weak. I smiled at her and she smiled back.

She waved at everyone, and blew a kiss towards my mom and her sister who were both crying and hugging each other.

"My mothers ring," she beamed at me, "how did you get it?"

"Your sister stopped by this afternoon to give it to me," I told her.

She kissed me, "you make me so happy sometimes I can't even," she laughed.

We hung out until alice told us to walk out to where the after party was.

Alex changed into a shorter dress that was silk, and so soft. it fell down her curves perfectly, and made her look so beautiful.

Her hair was curled in a half up half down updo with her mothers blue pin.

She kept looking at her ring and smiling.

We walked out and she lifted her arms up as everyone cheered. I laughed at my bubbly wife and followed her actions.

Alice started talking into a microphone but Alex was ignoring her, making me ignore her too.

I twirled her around and she was telling me about drama with alice and Rosalie this morning.

"And then she was like," she stopped to let out a huge laugh, "'alice, your so weird!' The way she said it was so funny," she laughed.

"Alex, seth? Are you even listening," alice called us out.

Alex straightened up and put her hand to her head to salut.

I laughed at her.

Alice sighed dramatically, "just start the music,"

Alex pulled me to her, putting her arms around my neck continuing her story. my arms went around her waist as we swayed back and forth to the music.

"She wanted it all about us, and Rosalie wanted to have bridesmaids," she babbled to me.

"Oh and the dress Alice wanted rose to wear was so hideous," she laughed, "rose looked at her like she was crazy, who knew vampires could be so," she made a face looking for the word, "normal, human,"

I laughed with her, "sorry I'm babbling I'm nervous," she apologized.

"I love hearing your babbles, they're entertaining,"

She rolled here eyes and laid her head on my chest.

Soon the song was over and I kissed her and told her I loved here before Alice came over.

"Alex, I saw you kick your heels off before you went," she looked to me, "she pulled half her hair down too! Your wife is crazy!"

I laughed, "she's the good kind of crazy," I said.

I hadn't even realized she wasn't wearing shoes, she was so cute. her unique personality is one of the best things about her, though everything is good.

"You guys leave for your honeymoon in an hour so party hard." then she left.

I twirled her around and dipped her.

She sang with the music and I tried to sing along too, though I didn't know the song.

Wow, life has treated me well. I have a beautiful bride, and a nice home.

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