Chapter 29: Adventures

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*listen to hearts content by Brandi Carlile*

Alex POV

Though the first night of our honey moon wasn't expected, this trip has made us closer for sure.

It's been a month, our honey moon ends in two weeks.

Seths snores filled my ears, and I stretched my sleepy muscles. I rolled over to face him. I put my hand on his cheek, stoking his warm skin.

I pulled the blanket over my bare chest, kissing his nose.

He shook, and his eyes fluttered open. he groaned, making me laugh.

"I'm hungry," I said looking into his half closed eyes.

He pulled me in his grasp closing his tired eyes once again. He dug his head into my shoulder. I ran my hands through his thick black hair, that needed to be cut.

I tried to roll from his grasp, but failed as he dramatically groaned.

"Seth I want pizza," I whined trying to wiggle from his grip.

"5 minutes," his raspy voice said.

I gave up and decided to wait until he fell back asleep, which didn't take long, and I slowly and gently got away from his warm arms. I pulled one of his shirts, and a pair of underwear on.

I walked on the cold floor, my bare feet making barely a noise. I got a piece of cold pizza from the fridge and sat scrolling through my phone answering my messages.

After 3 pieces of pizza, seth stumbled out of the bedroom, wincing from the sunlight that flowed through the open windows. His skin is tanner since we got here, we have been going to the beach and riding bikes.

He grabbed a poptart and sat next to me, grabbing my body and pulling me on his lap. I leaned into his bare chest, laying my head on his warm shoulder.

"What are we gonna do today?" I asked him.

"What ever you want to do," he simply stated, taking a bite.

I looked up from his chest, "why is it always my decision?"

"Because I want to do anything you want to," he smiled at me.

I smiled back. his hand trailed over my back giving me shivers.

"Let's swim with the fish," I said.

He looked at me confused, but realized after a moment what i meant. The beach outside the house had fish that were not shy of people, making it easy to pet them.

After he finished his breakfast, he got his shorts on and I my suit, and we headed outside.

He grabbed my hand and we strode down the long path, talking of the fish we want to see.

Before we hit the edge of the water he picked me up, throwing me over his shoulder. i clung to him laughing as he ran for the water.

The sun made my skin burn, but I barely noticed as seth dove for the water pulling me in with him.

We swam out further and further, where we found a sand bar. the beach looked very tiny as I stood on the sand bar.

Seth looked for the edge, and when he found it he called me over.

On the count of three we took a deep breath and jumped down.

Seths hand found mine and he pointed to the fish under us.

I smiled as my hand glided against the slimy scales of brightly colored fish.

We went back to the surface of the water, breathing heavy but laughing as I wiped my slimy hand on seths muscular shoulder.

"Oh you've done it now clearwater," seth threatened me.

I laughed loving the way his name was now mine, "bring it on clearwater,"

He dove for me, picking me up but tossing me under the water gently. he attacked my face and neck with kisses.

We dove for more fish for a couple more hours, before heading back to order some Chinese.

We ate a joked around, and I realized that I made the best decision.

I married someone who treats me right, and loves me more than anything else in his life. I let myself fall in love with the right person.

I'm glad I did this for myself, my life's puzzle was almost complete.

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