Chapter 12: Cant Help It

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Song: Can't help falling in love with you Elvis Presley(fav song 5eva)

Alex POV

It's been two weeks since I've seen Seth and the pack. a couple of the Cullen's went to check what's going on.

Alice has been my best friend through all of this. this meaning.... I'm a mess.

I can't even think about being mad at him anymore, I can't think at all period. I cry myself to sleep in Alice's cold stiff arms that are strangly comforting, and her silky lullabies and hums.

The front door opened, I sat on my chair staring at the wall. my blanket was wrapped around my shoulders and a poptart was still sitting in my fingers as I stared at the blank wall.

"Lex," Emmett called for me.

I looked behind my shoulder at him. my nose started running and I sniffled.

"Come on," he said, "I wanna show you something,"

I shook my head at him, last time, he dragged me all the way in the woods to see the water,..... which was frozen.

But he also took the 40 minute walk(human pace) back to lecture me because I never even eat anything anymore.

But I'm really not hungry. I always have a sickening feeling in my stomach and I feel dead.

I never slept at night and I have nightmares when I do. I cry and never stop.

He tugged on my blanket, pulling it off my shoulders. the cold air made me shiver.

"Give it back," I whined, "I'm cold,"

"Come get it then," he said backing up with each step I took.

I sighed, pushing my hair over the side of my head. He disappeared into the front section of the mansion.

My bare feet padded across the tile and hardwood floor as I chased after him with a walking pace.

"Emmett, I'm not in the mood for games, just please-" I suddenly realized there was a ton of people in the room.

Heads turned and I recognized them as the pack.

Seth turned his head last because he was glaring at Emmett. my eyes met his.

It was like I--the human-- imprinted on him. it was simply amazing and I fell in love with him all over again.

I ran into his arms and wrapped myself around him. I put my head on his shoulder and he was whispering how much he missed and loves me.

It was too good to be true. he set me on my feet and grabbed my face.

He ran his fingers over my jaw bones and cheek bones, staring at my face as I watched his features in pure awe.

He looked so perfect. his muscles felt bigger if even possible and he wasn't wearing a shirt, not complaining.

He pressed his forehead to mine and his nose touched mine gently, his lips connected with mine.

I missed the feeling of his warm lips more than I thought. our lips molded together, fighting with our tongues.

His arms slid to my lower back, pressing me firmly to his body.

I broke the kiss for hair, but cuddled into his shoulder.

I looked back at him suddenly.

"Never do that ever again Seth Harold Clearwater." I scolded him with a frown.

"I'm sorry babe, I just wanted you safe," he kissed my forehead.

"I forgive you. but you have no idea what pain I've went through, I'd rather be hunted by a vampire than be separated from you for more than a week,"

His face pouted. he was hurt by the distance too.

---the next day---

"Ready?" He asked wrapping an arm around me shoulders and kissing my forehead.

"Yup," I said.

we are officially leaving Alaska and going back to la push.

I fell asleep on Seth in the car. I felt him carry me inside, car ride went very fast.

He put me in bed and cuddled next to me.

I just couldn't help myself, but forgive him.

Seths snores filled my ears and he started his murmuring. I laughed silently as his mouth moved really fast.

I closed my eyes, drifting off into darkness.

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