Chapter 4: Secrets

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Seth POV

I woke up to my phone ringing. Checking the time as I rolled over I saw that I had a message from Alex.

I read the message:

Alex- I don't think I'm going to school tomorrow, not feeling well. talk to you later😘

Me- feel better my love ❤️

I decided to stay home today. I never paid attention anyways.

I slept until 11. being woken up by loud knocks.

I groaned and rolled off my couch, answering the door.

It was Jacob.

He walked in almost knocking me over with a shoulder bump.

"How could you bring a girl to a house full of vampires? are you crazy!" he said to me angry.

I felt my face fall. "she's not just a girl jacob. ive.. I've imprinted on her."

It was crazy how imprinting works. you look all your life for a girl to marry, just to fine one specific girl, who is your entire world. everything, including fate, revolved around the relationship. one split second and the beautiful girl I call mine is my gravity, my oxygen.

Nothing could separate us.

"Do you realize how dangerous that was?" He said

I gave him a stern look. "do you really think I would let anything happen to her? She's my life jake."

He looked at me awaits a sad face and smiled a little.

"I thought it was best if I showed her everything, taught her everything right away, give her time to digest. I left vampires to last, giving more time for her to realize what I am. she didn't run screaming. she only looked frightened at first but then was as curious as always. she accepts me jake, I've never felt this, when I look in her warm brown eyes I see a reflection of us. I always have dreams about her, she takes care of me and cares for me. she was willing to risk her life to meet the cullens." I explained.

"So where is the special girl now?" he asked smirking, "I didn't properly introduce myself."

"She's at home sick." I said

"And your picking up new clothes?" he asked me.

"What? no I just woke up. what do you mean?" I said confused.

"Why are you not taking care of her," he was serious again.

My eyes suddenly opened.

"Your right jake! I need to go!" I shouted running out of my house and jumping in my truck.

I knew jake was staying at my house all day, he did that a lot.

I pulled in Alexs driveway and stalked up her doorstep. I attempted to turn the knob which was locked.

I knocked a couple of times and waited. I heard footsteps and a girl who was in her 20s opened the door.

"Who are you?" she said in a raspy voice, like she smoked a pack a day.

"I'm seth," I reached my arm out, "Alex's boyfriend."

She shook my hand and nodded her head with a smirk.

"Yeah yeah, Alex told me about you. so why are you here buddy?" she asked me like I was stupid.

"Is Alex here?" I asked confused.

"She left like a while ago i don't know where she went I told her it was okay to skip for today.." She said her dyed eye brows furring.

I said good bye to her sister, leaving and thinking hard where she would have gone.


Alex POV

Last night had gone bad. I came home to my sister high as hell with a bunch of random people at my house. I got no sleep and this morning at 5 my sister told me I can skip.

I hadn't gotten any sleep that night to I left my house and headed to the beach down the road.

I pulled in and set my blanket behind a very small cliff. I laid out and enjoyed the calming sound of the waves crashing in against the rocks ahead of me.

I was so mad at my sister. I hated having people I didn't know over as much as I hate seeing her high.

I rolled onto my stomach, the stinging in my thighs from my fresh cuts were almost a relief. I had been 2 months clean before last night.

I drifted into a deep sleep.


I woke up to warm arms wrapping themselves around my bum and under my arms.

I knew it was Seth right away from his warmth and comfort, and his smell. he was shirtless and wearing old khaki shorts.

His bare feet padded along the sand as he carried me bridal style to my car.

He set me in and buckled me up, giving me my blanket to cuddle into.

I instantly felt safe when I was with him, so I was able to get even more sleep.

I woke up when we got to his place. he opened my door and lifted me out effortlessly.

He carried me to the couch in his living room and laid beside me. I cuddled into his side, feeling his warmth and taking his presence in.

I heard another voice talking to seth, it sounded familiar but I was too tired to look.

I awoke yet again for dinner, which was some pizza Seth ordered. 4 boxes were ordered, one for each boy, one for the boys to share and they would also share what I didn't eat of my pizza.

When the pizza arrived, Seth was running his fingers down my cheek and jaw staring at my closely. he kissed my jaw and offered my a hand up. I accepted and stretched, yawned and started for the kitchen.

Jacob stood in the kitchen with a small smile when he said "morning sleeping beauty"

I looked to Seth who was glaring at him. were wolves..

I ate in silence the occasional laugh here and there. the boys carried on the conversation.

I looked to Seth and he was already looking at me. with these adoring eyes staring into your soul it was impossible not to smile.

Jacob was on his phone and he asked if Nes could come for a bit, while the others hunted. Seth accepted.

Renesmee had come at 11pm, just to fall asleep tucked into jacob. I was laying on my side with my head in Seth's lap and legs hanging off the side.

Seth stroked my hair and looked into my eyes once again. this seemed to be his favorite thing to do.

When I almost fell asleep again, he decided it was time for us to sleep. he lifted me nonchalantly to his bedroom where he gave me basketball shorts and an old Shirt of his.

I changed in the bathroom, hoping the shorts wouldn't rise up only to reveal my biggest secret. I came up with lame excuses in my head while I pulled my hair into a messy bun.

I climbed in bed by a sleepy Seth and he rolled over and wrapped his arm around me. nothin had ever felt so much like home than when I was in his arms.

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