Chapter 10: Someone Like Me

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Seth POV

I ran as fast as I could dodging branches and broken logs which scattered the bottom of the woods.

I ran to the house, opening the back door and searching all the rooms for her.

I looked out the front window and saw my car pulling in. I pushed the hair out of my face.

I went to our room, grabbing a bag. I shoved her clothes in, shirts, shorts, jeans sweaters. socks sneakers underwear bras.

She came into the room and cursed slightly under her breath.

"You scared the crap out of me Seth," she smiled at my face, then looked down, "what are you doing?"

I grabbed her makeup bag and shoved it in with a hair brush and tampons. I ignored her question, her safety was the one factor I was concerned of at the moment.

I picked up the picture frame off the wall, the one of us. I pushed it in the bag and zipped it up.

She started taking her jacket off. I rushed to her side and pulled her arm back through.

"What is going on with you?" She gave me a look.

I handed the bag to her, pulling on a shirt.

The window was open and as a breeze blew I caught a scent of an unwelcomed guest.

I growled and grabbed the phone, dialing Sam.

Alex was giving me questions. I shushed her and her jaw dropped open.

The phone started ringing and the line picked up.

"Hello?" It was Emily.

"I need to speak to sam, it's really important," I started freaking out.

"He already left Seth, he should be there by now," I hung up the phone, grabbing my imprint and pulling her to me.

I kept stealing glances toward the window, and she noticed.

"What is it?" She asked in a whisper.

I felt her grip tighten and her body stiffen.

"It's okay, I'll keep you safe," I reassured her.

No one was going to touch her.

There was an eery silence, followed by crash of a vampire jumping up out house.

Alex dug her head in my chest and whimpered. I hated this feeling. she was upset, scared.

"I love you," she spoke.

"I love you too," I grabbed her face, kissing her lips, "everything will be fine, just a small problem."

I heard the howls of my pack who had finally caught the vampire.

"Seth," her voice was soft and fragile,


"Why is it here?" She asked, her eyes widening.

"I don't know" I lied. too bad she knew me better than that.

"Yes you do." she said

"They found your scent, they want to turn you, they know how powerful you would be as one of them," her eyes widened even more, "I don't let it happen Alex. I swear. nothing will happen, you will be fine, I won't let anything hurt you."

She knew I was probably right, but the fear was still displayed across her sweet face as she laid her head against me.

"What are we gonna do?" She asked.

"Your gonna stay with the Cullen's and their family in Alaska." she pulled away as I said this.

"No. I'm not leaving without you." she was so stubborn.

"I just need to take care of this problem, then I will come get you. everything is going to be okay babe," I kissed her forehead.

She frowned, "no seth, i won't give in this time. I won't leave without you."

This might be harder than I thought.

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