Chapter 6: A New Beginning

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Alex POV

I was so happy when Seth asked me to move in with him. I knew right when he said it, that it would be okay.

My future was finally becoming clearer. I knew he could live forever, and I knew someday I would perish from this earth.

Leah had moved in with her boyfriend, in a tiney yellow house.

I was super happy for her, she was sweet to me.

That week, I moved into Seth's house, while he was on watch. apparently there was a vampire around the area.

So Seth was on watch protecting me from the wood surrounding the house, our house. Seth's mom moved in with Charlie.

It was September 27th, a Saturday. our little guest hadn't shown up when he was suppost to. this made Seth even more on edge.

I looked to the alarm clock, it was 4:17 in the morning. Seth still hadn't turned in. He always protected me until he had to get rest. I begged him for days to sleep a little, even offered to go to the vampires house and hang out with Nes.

I couldn't sleep. I always had nightmares when Seth wasn't laying with me.

The window was open and damp air was filtering to my room. more rain. I got up not wanting Seth to sit in the rain for me.

I walked outside and whispered "Seth"

I heard footsteps. turning into running. a warm body slammed into mine.

"Go inside Lex! now!" he whisper yelled. I knew he wasn't fooling around.

I stepped inside, making him come with me.

He shook his body and I giggled. he was such a dog sometimes.

"What's wrong, why are you calling for me at 4 in the morning!?" he said alarmed.

"I couldn't sleep, I keep having nightmares. will you sleep tonight?" I asked him looking with my best puppy eyes.

He looked at our hands, twisted and entwined.

"Baby, you know I have to watch, this vampire could be here any minute," he said still staring at our hands.

"Please? for me? all I do in here is sit and worry about you, don't you want me happy?"

"Well of course but I have to protect yo-" I cut him off

"Then make me happy, the only thing I want now is for you to be safe, dry, and with me." I fired to him.

He took his hands from mine, and looked me in the eye.

"Alex. I have to do this. I'll come in when Jake comes for his part."

I felt my eyes welling up with tears. I knew it was stupid to cry over this but it made me mad. I never got time with him anymore. all because of stupid vampires.

A year rolled down my hot face and I went to wipe it but a warmer hand got there first.

"Please?" I whispered.

He sighed, "okay one night, and you promise me to tell me if you feel anything,"

I nodded and wrapped my arms around his neck. he picked me up and walked me to the bedroom. he laid me down and pulled the covers up to my jaw.

I cuddled to his side. and got the best night of sleep I've had in a while.

Seth POV

I woke up to the window wide open. I thought I closed it last night.

My arms were empty. Alex must be awake.

I heard a scream, and jumped up. She wasn't on the floor. she wasn't in the bathroom or kitchen. she wasnt even in the house. I ran out of the house and phased.

I ran to the scream, knowing my girl was in danger.

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