Chapter 15: Complications

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Alex POV

"Just choose one Alex," Leah said annoyed.

"I can't choose between the-" she cut me off.

"Alex he will like anything you get him so just pick one so we can leave!"

I grabbed the bigger cake and placed it in the cart. we strolled past the candles.

"Leah, which ones should I get?" I asked my best friend, looking up from the candles in my hand.

But she was no where to be seen.

I put random candles in the cart and pushed it forward to look for her.

I looked for five minutes with no luck.

Suddenly someone grabbed my shoulders and spun me towards the check outs.

I jumped, shrieking a little to find Leah with a worried and scared look on her face.

"Leah, what happened?" I asked her.

"We need I leave right now Alex," she pulled the cart into the self checkout and checked everything out faster than I could spell werewolf.

She dragged me out to the car and practically chucked the bags in, shoving me into shotgun.

"Leah what's going on?" I asked curiously.

She didn't answer, but her ringer on her phone did.

She panicked and looked at the caller ID.

She gasped as she read the text message and looked around the car, stomping on the gas pedal.

When we got to the Clearwaters house, Leah locked the widows and doors, and called Sam.

"Come to our house," she said impatiently, "now Sam this is important."

Tears welled up in her eyes, as she kept peeking out of the curtains.

Tomorrow is Serbs birthday and I was surprising him tomorrow morning, so I put everything in the cellar.

I have no idea what Leah is fretting about, and it's really starting to freak me out.

Someone pounded on the door and Leah jumped.

She peeked through the peep hole, shushing me.

She let Sam in and locked the door again.

"Alex stay in the den, I gotta work something out with Sam," she said ushering me to the couch.

This was weird. she always told me everything.

I watched the tele and cuddled into the soft blankets Seth put put for me.

I feel into a dream of Seth and I's wedding, and if it were anything like my dream, I would be the happiest girl alive!


I pounded on the locked door, was this necessary?

Leah opened it up and next to her was Alex. Something wasn't right, Leah was acting strange and Alex was wearing a look of pure fear.

Leah ushered Alex to the living area where she slept peacefully.

Meanwhile, Leah was sobbing uncontrollably.

"Sam, I went to the store with Alex today. while she was looking at stuff for Serbs birthday, someone grabbed me. a vampire! He had bright red eyes and he pulled me into an empty closet and told me he was looking for Alex."

I blinked my eyes, this girl is always in trouble with vampires!

"What exactly did he say Leah?" I asked, trying to get every detail out of this story.

"Something like 'I know what you and your friends are, and it's not safe for Alex to be around you, let me take her and turn her into what she was made to be,'" she sobbed again, "he said he will kill all our family members, and that Braden is first,"

Her imprint, he was threatening her.

It was like she either had her best friend, or her soul mate. I would be crying if I was in that position too.

"I'll set more patrols, someone will keep an eye on Braden. I'll tell Seth. it will be alright Leah, she is safe."

She sobbed on my shoulder as I rubbed her back. although she was my ex, and I broke her heart more than possible, I still think of her as a sister, or a teammate.

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