Chapter 20: Unexpected

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Alex POV

The hole in my chest has expanded. The school year has started and Leah, who is going to a local collage, I constantly bringing her friends home.

This girls all see seth and go bananas. but I'm not his anymore, and he's not mine. that fact makes me cry whenever I think of it.

Girl after girl come and go, flirting and touching seth. Leah tells me which ones she hates, which has been almost all of them.

I think seth gave up on me. he will watch the tele in the den, but never acknowledges me. he doesn't care for me. maybe it's because I'm different.
Depression has changed me, my hair is longer. my eyes have bags under them and I never sleep anymore. he asked for patrols during the night so he wouldn't have to listen to me scream my heart out from a nightmare.

I barely talk anymore, except when sue comes to check on me, when Seth is sleeping and Leah is in school. she would be the perfect mother for me and she is the perfect mother to my soul mate and best friend.

I stopped eating, and stopped trying. I never wear makeup or get dressed up. I only go out when I need to.

It was 5:00 pm, the time when Seth wakes up demanding for food. he stepped out from his room shirtless, with his head down as he walked past me.

He grabbed a plate and sat on the couch beside me. I felt the hole grow bigger, and I could feel a panic attack coming on. I had to control my breathing, it's simple Alex.





"Sethy!" A pitchy annoying voice screeched as I jumped.

He looked over alarmed. Leah huffed, rolling her eyes.

She mouthed 'I freaking hate her' to me and I giggled once. but all the joy that came from my best friend disappeared when I saw the girl sitting on my Seth, with her hands laced into his hair.

The hole got bigger, and my anger bubbled. my head pounded and I blinked back tears.

"Are you single yet?" She whispered, maybe just a little loud(sarcasm)

Seth made eye contact with me and looked to his lap. he shrugged his shoulders and nodded.

She pulled his arms around her and I wanted to punch her. Seth tensed looking at me afraid.

I looked to Leah for help and she stood there texting on her phone.

"Alyvia, lets so study." she said putting her phone away.

Alyvia shook her head and pouted, "can't we just study in here?" She tried puppy eyes on Leah.

I almost burst out laughing. Leah never gave in to any puppy eyes except her imprints. Leah smiled at me.

I could sense a sarcastic and bitchy remark coming and I prepared myself.

"Alyvia, I brought you here to study, not steal my best friends boyfriend,"

My head shot to Leah with the 'what-did-you-just-say'

Leah stood smirking as Alyvia gasped and made an ugly face. She stood from Seth.

"You said you were single!" She screamed.

"I technically am...." he trailed off looking at me, "but I am in love with someone. and I'll never see anyone else as long as she lives,"

I thought about his comment. did he want me to die?

Leah took it the same way I did I guess because she shot the biggest glare at Seth and muttered "watch it,"

"I didn't mean it like that!" He said, "Alex, please I didn't mean it like that!"

The Alyvia girl started blubbering through her new tears, "why is everything about her!"

She turned to me, "it's all your fault bitch!" She screamed in my face.

Leah ran to Alyvia, pulling her hair back and punching her in the nose.

"No one calls my best friend a bitch!" She screamed.

"It's not her fault either, Alyvia! It's all mine, she hates me and it's all my fault!" Seth screamed and ran out from the house.

As he left the hole stretched and yanked. it's like all my insides were spilling out.

Then it started.

I couldn't breath and I started sobbing. it was like I wasn't on earth, but I was so close. every stride I took I missed the surface of the earth. like I was swimming to the surface and I could go up any further. my breath was caught and It felt like I had asthma after a 400 mile run.

I hiccuped and shook violently. it was a bearable pain to not be with Seth but have him with me, but with him gone I lost it.

I couldn't open my eyes and I was struggling to breath. I heard the angelic voice frantically calling my name through sobs.

I was surrounded by warm arms and the water went away, I finally touched the surface of the earth, the asthma was still lingering but mostly gone. I only heard two sobs, one of my own and ova that sounded like music.

"Open your eyes Alex," he pleaded and begged between sobs, "please,"

His voice cracked and I finally opened my eyes. I was in seths arms, my favorite place to be. I wrapped my arms around his neck and sobbed into his neck.

"I love you," I cried.

"I love you too," then he broke.

He sobbed into my shoulders.

"I was so scared," he sobbed.

"It's okay, I'm okay,"

He kissed my head and held me to his body tightly.

"Alex," he whispered when we both settled out tears.

I looked at his face peering down at me.

we were sitting on the kitchen floor, he was leaning on a cabinet and I was in his lap.

"Will you take me back?" He asked gently and carefully.

"Yeah," I wanted to cry.

I wanted to cry tears of happiness.

He was finally mine again.

*hey guys, since I get reads, I'm going to require one vote per chapter from now on, for me to update any further and comments will make the updates faster! thanks for reading*

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