Chapter 14: Forever and Eternity

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Seths POV

I thought out what I was gonna say more than five million times I swear.

Alex wore a white lace dress that fit her body perfectly. her naturally curly and frizzy hair stuck out in many places, but still looked perfect as ever.

"Let's go, babe," I wrapped my arms around her body at the sink.

She jumped a bit, but muttered a 'k' and dried her hands.

"Fancy much?" She raised her eyebrows at me.

I suppose I was pretty dressed up. I wore black pants, and a white flannel when I usually wore old ripped jeans and shorts and no shirt.

I shrugged and her soft fingers intertwined with mine as we walked out the front door and into the trail I've carved into the heavily wooded area.

Her bare feet padded the damp mud and twigs into the earth surface.

We saw baby deer running around and playing, and her face lit up like a Christmas tree. her deep brown eyes stared curiously at the deer and surrounding trees.

I lead her to a meadow, one which I found a while back on patrols.

"It's so pretty," she whispered in awe.

"Not as pretty as you," I whispered back.

She blushes slightly and smiled at the thick green grass.

It's now or never. I tell myself. I feel the lump in my pocket.

I grabbed her other hand, and stood square in front of me. my heart raced faster than a human running a 500 mile run.

I took a deep breath, this is what I wanted, and hopefully what she does too.

She smiled at me, obviously not catching on yet.

She looked towards the trees when birds started chirping.


She looked at my eyes, and I knew this was it.

I got down on one knee, and pulled the black box with the ring out of my pocket.

My palms were clammy in her delicate fingers.

Her smile got bigger and she giggled.

"Alexis Rose Jameson, you have blessed my life with your presence for quite some time now. make me the happiest man forever, and marry me,"

Her hand went to her mouth as she stared at me smiling.

"Of course Seth Harold Clearwater," I stood and she wrapped her arms around my neck.

"I love you," I told her.

"I love you too," she replied kissing my lips.

I grabbed her left hand and slid the ring on.

She studied it, holding it to her face.

"Seth, it's so beautiful," she said in her perfect voice.

"It was my grandmothers, my dads mom." i smiled at the love of my life.

Boy I was lucky. the most perfect and beautiful girl agreed to be mine, forever.

Forever and Eternity.

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