loosing it

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God what is wrong with Tina, why did she had to say that. But i guess i was ashamed but i heard a sweet laugh next to me, and when i lift up my eyes it meet "his" god i swear i drowned in his eyes, one thing caught my attention his left eye is deep black but his right eye is kind of deep brown black, if you did not notice you would have say they are both black. The way he looks at me it only spell danger for me, but the danger i am willing to explore.

"Hi beautiful.... is this sit taken" he pointed at the sit next to me where Tina was sitting minute back.

"No... i mean Tina is sitting there" why sit next to me you can sit on my lap that will be easy for me to get my hands all over your sexy body i thought to my self.

"Well i don't see her now"

"I guess you can sit than"

"By the way am Karan, what the name of this amazing lady in front of me"

"Div, sorry am Divyanka but my friends calls me Div, not all of them, sorry am blabbering right" God why cant i think in front of this man. He is so fu***n perfect his touch makes me want to throw my clothes away and my wet panties and just take him on this table it self, he is busy talking but truth be told i heard nothing, if you ask me now i wont even know what he said. I never wanted sex before, but right now this sex god in front of me, is reserved for me, only me. I agree to what ever he said don't even know what the fuck he said, when he lean closer to me i froze he come closer to my ear saying something before i can reply to what he said he bit my earlobe oh god and slowly his lips travel down to my jawline living a tender kisser all over, i open my mouth to say something but no words come out, he look up into my eyes and take my lips in his, god i swear if no one was in this club i would have let him have his ways with me. He suck my lips for few minute fuck shit head i have never been kissed like that, the guy know what he is doing with me i gave him that.

Karan and I talk about almost everything, he is not just a handsome face, he got a good heart too, i think. Tina went back onto out penthouse with some guy who happened to have caught her liking for a night. And me well Karan and i drove back into Hotel room drunk as hell. He carry me from his car into his door. The second the door opens, he literally rip my clothes off of me, he carried me inside his bedroom, his touch, kisses were driving me crazy. He was careful enough not to hurt me but we have a best night ever. He made love to me, but hour later we had sex after sex, i swear he f***k the shit out of me. The room,was filled with grunts, moans, and screams lucky no one come knocking on the door due to our screaming oh my screaming. Everything was magical i wish to keep him with me forever but than again it was impossible this was just sex between two strangers. The minute he fell asleep i took all my clothes that was scatted all over his room and get the f***k out of there before he woke up. Damn he was right when he said, "when am done with you, you wont be able to walk for days" not minding my pain i walk out of his room to to my house doing the walk of shame.

" Holly Shit you did what?"

"I didn't know what to do Tina, it was bed enough sleeping with a stranger, and beside i didn't think he would want to see me the next morning."

"Forget all that give me the juice news how was your first time, please tell me he was at least carful"

"Tinaa jeez i wont tell you anything as such, bye i need to shower and sleep for an hour"

"Ooh please Div i know you want to tell me, so out with it. And it not like i don't tell you about my sex life."

"Okey it was amazing, Tina he...he made me feel special the way he touched me, everything was just perfect" i just wanted to get into my room before i cry in front of Tina.

"Are you going to see him again"

"WHAT!!! No.... i mean i don't think so." I didn't know what to say am sure will love to see him again but i don't think one night stand work like that.


Days passes and i was still lost in Karan touch, every time i touch my body i only remember him touching and worshiping my body. My Parents have come for my graduation, and after that we all fly back to New York my home town. When we got home Mom was on a mission to feed me because she think i have lost weight. And my Dad was just happy that finale his princess was home. Tina went home too, she live near my home her mother and mine are best friends too. I was happy to be back home too now i can have home cooked meal, really food. My baby brother was so happy to see me we chill together in my room and Luke was telling me about his crush, and how much he missed me back home.


"Listen you need to move on Dude, it not like this was your fu****n one night stand."

"James you don't get it man, she walk out on me while i was still sleeping"

"You always do that to many chicks Karan what the big deal if she did the same thing with you"

"James am not you, girls walk out on you not me, no girl ever walk out on me man how can she just leave without saying so" Damn she really hurt my man ego big time.

"Okey let me ask you this man, The Karan Patel is mad because that girl walk out on you, oh because you cant find her?"

"Finish your drink man, am leaving i have no time to answer your damn questions, i have a shoot tomorrow afternoon" i was so irritated and James just makes things worst, if he was not my best friend i would have killed him right now. Why cant he just understand a simply thing.

"What time are we flying back home" if looks can kill Karan would have killed me now.

"Do you think she will look for me.... i mean it not usual for girls to leave like that?" I really wanted to find her but it was next to impossible, i tried but fail.

"Jeez Dude get over it already man, she was just another one night stand like other girls, the fast you get that the sooner you will stop irritating me, Jeez" i heard enough now he have been singing her name, for how long do i have to listen to it.

"It was not just a one night stand shithead, but the best night of my life, no women ever made me felt like that she did something to me man, i was hoping to take her out the next morning, get to know her but she was gone. If i didn't know better i would say she was used into doing that just dispraise like that" i never felt so angry and sad like this before for some girl.

"Maybe she's used to it, now shall we go and pack"

"No man, she was a fu***n Virgin am sure she was scared maybe" what other better explanation can it be. When i turn to James, his face was splitting fire.

"Shit shit..... f**k man what the Hell Karan, you know the code, virgin are off limit man."

"Don't you think i know that, stop lecturing me dickhead and get your bags we getting the fuck out of this county. I need my sleep tomorrow i have a big day" if i stay one minute longer in this county i will go mad.

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