breakfast and interview

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I thought there will be silence during breakfast but it was the other way around. Dad and Karan seem to be enjoying them selves more than everyone. Arjun was sitting on his father lap busy feeding him his veggies, it a must for him to eat them but he hate it, i usual forced him to eat them and i need to have a belt with me for him to eat. I was happy that my parent were warming up on Karan and willing to give him,a chance. The day went by great and everyone was happy for karan on set, and Dad have been on my neck about us introducing Arjun on media before they make their own bullshit story, and Karan agree to Dad and so today Dad have called for media to talk about the company that Tyson was handling.

"As i was saying being a business man that i have dominate other people and have no respect for others. My boys knows that business secondly and family first."

"But Sir is it true that you are finale giving up on business world, does that mean we will never see you in any business functions"

"Am not giving up on business, but having three grandkids i think it time for me to pay more attention to family, and as you all know that i have been running all my business for a while now, and my eldest son zac will be official taking over my 1st company Sasha industries back in New York city and my son here Tyson is handling Smith enterprises which is doing good as well and his twin brother Tylor he is an artist and have his own studio and doing well too. And youngest son Luke is doing his finale year in Harvard University. And last but not least my two beautiful daughter Tina who is working with Tyson hand in hand and Divyanka who is also into acting am as sure you must her. So am sure you will be seeing more of me in any function and i will make sure of that"

"Sir is it true that you bought half of MGM Grand Garden. Arena recently, and are your planes for it now that you a 55%o owner?"

"Well that is not for me to decide but my grandson Arjun when he will turn 21 he will take over but for now i will be looking after everything until that time he is older enough."

"Is there anything we need to know about that you are busy with at the moment?"

"They are lot of things me and family are busy with but in few month from now we will be opening a new jewellery store GreenSmith jeweleries. This one will be own by my daughter Tina."

"Sir we have been told that you and Mr Karan don't get along, so why is here today does that mean you both have sorted out your differences or is it for your grandson?"

"As a father it my job to look after my family special the daughters of my family, yes it true Karan and I have a bad start but i wanted to make sure that he was good enough for my daughter and grandson and he did prove him self to me, not once but many times. And am proud to call him the part of my family and us to be part of his family, he is great man."

"Miss Smith now that your father have accepted Mr Karan what does that mean for the future?"

"I don't know what future hold for us, but am happy to hold his hand and see what will happen in the near future."

"Mr Karan does that mean that now you are off the market?"

"Am happy with my life now, and as for other woman well they might as well dream because am taken this beautiful woman next to me have stole my heart and will soon stole my last name."

"Are you both getting married?"


"Wow congratulation to you both. And i must say your son is very handsome. Mr Smith what do you have say to this new revelation of your daughter getting married?"

"Well they is nothing much to say beside saying that, " welcome to the family son" thank you all for coming bye." I gave new future Son i law a hug, when he told me about taking my daughter from me i was happy now i have less problems to worry about, but really it good that he wanted to be a man and do right by his family i felt really proud of his young man, despite growing up without his family he is one of the best man other there.


"Well that went well, i guess. Karan listen son did you change those pointers we talked about last night?" Last month Karan have told me about his love for opening a Hotel one day and his vision is really impressing and the way he sold me his ideas i must say he really made me proud.

"Yes we changed it, Aly and I will show you later this evening if that okey." Mr Smith is not that bad at all, Zac is cool too and his two little brothers, he even, told me to call him father instead of Mr Smith every time. And he seems to be getting along fine with Aly too.

"Son tell me something, i know you wont lie to me right, can i trust you to tell me the truth?"

"Yes you can trust me."

"Good now tell me what is going on between my daughter and Aly, and before you lie to me remember am still your future father in law, i can still stop this marriage." I hope my suspicious are correct, both this man have a bright future are hard working. Than to let some lazy ass man taking advantage of my girls.

"We.....well, .....they.... wait you said Aly and Tina right?" Shit do i have to be the one to answer that am sure Divya will angry if told her father.

"You are that old Karan,tell me."

"Oh God look at the time i have to go i have promised Arjun that i will take him out he might be waiting, bye."that was a close one next time how will i escape from him God help me.

"Mmm now i know that means am right, am sure now my beautiful wife will be happy, and can stop pushing this two together."

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