family outing

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It seems like my eyes cant stop to produce more tears, it been almost an hour and am still crying but am not complaining because it happy tears and i can shade them all my life if i have too. Am sitting on a grass eating my snacks while Karan and Arjun are playing tag, i guess my son is having a best day of his life because am sure as hell that he is taking advantage of Karan, everytime when it his time to chase Karan he will fake some injury and karan will come running to him. But what makes me cry mostly was when he told Karan that he loves him, he just stood there not moving tears running down his face and a huge smile across his face it was a scene worth watching.

After hours of playing we went to get ice cream and went for a movie in Karan house, well this idiot got a 20 sit cinema in his basement. I wanted to spend the night in his house but i did not want to get Dad upset, just because he allowed us to go out does not mean that i should take advantage of it. Later around 19:45 we went home, first i put Arjun to bed then went to my parent bedroom to talk to Dad. There were already in bed by my Dad was reading some business books, i did what i always do when am happy. I snuggle next to Dad and hug him tight and planed a kiss on his lips. He's my Dad and i love him, so why cant i kiss him when he once saw me naked when i was born.

"Thank you Dad, thank you so much. You know you the best Dad in the entire world i love you." I lay my head on his chest, this had been the best day ever.

"I thought you were not coming back, but am happy you are here now. So tell me how was the outing?" Even i was happy to see my daughter happy it been long since i saw her smile it felt good to be the reason for the same.

"The movies took longer, but even if it finished later i would have still come back home. And Arjun and Karan have a great day together, it was amazing to see him, playing with his son like that, thank you Dad for making if happen really. I know you did all this for me and Arjun thank you so much Daddy."

"Even if i wont admit princess but Karan is a good guy and am sorry for keeping him away from both of you, i made a mistake and seeing you crying all night it hurt me and i know Hero wanted to know his father too but somehow he did not want to disappoint me, am sorry."

"Dad it okey, and why you crying if anything i should be thanking you Dad, now am 100% sure that Karan can do anything for his son am happy. Plus you had every right to be angry at that idiot, but now i want to put everything in the past and move on. Oh before i forgot your grandson bought you ice cream."

"Am really happy that you find your self a man like Karan Mel. Do one thing invite him for breakfast tomorrow there are things i still need to talk to him about. Now go to your room i need to sleep or else your Mother will eat my head off for keeping her awake all night."

"Goodnight Dad." I kissed him goodnight and went to my room to call Karan.


"Are you sure babe, he said that or you making this up."

"Karan am not a fool to make such things up you idiot, and don't be happy yet because Dad said he wanted to talk to you."

"Talk.... is that even good or bad? Your father scares the shit out of me babe really but for you and Arjun i guess i need to suck it up and be a man."

"Good, and listen,did you talk to Aly today after what Dad said about Tina i saw his face loosing all the colures but i never got a chance to talk to him." I just hope that Aly is prepared for the ride because Dad wont let it be easy for him too.

"I did he just left my house, i told him to run away as soon as possible but he thinks am jocking."

"Are you crazy why would you say that to him, and who told you to run away that you are giving him such foolish advice."

"That the think babe if someone would have told me, i would have run too you know, your father is a hard core and am saving my best friend from his lectures, it sad that i cant run you know."

"Really so who is stopping you to run now Mr, and my father is not lion that he will eat Aly and as for you am sure you are not even that good looking that he can make you his display in his office. My sister is the best and your friend will be lucky to have her in his life, plus he is not the only guy that have a hot for her. I don't wanna talk to you now bye." Karan have stopper for his mouth he just whatever his small brain produced, how can he say as something like this, idiot man.

"Babe am jocking, Divya......Divya are still there, wow am in deep shit tomorrow, i even forgot to ask about the time."
The next morning i woke up on a bouncing bed, and that did not need a spaceman to know who it was. I guess i over slept, i was not able to sleep after i talked to Karan i was angry at him so it took me hours to finale get some sleep. i pulled up the blanket to cover my face by Arjun was not giving up on waking me up. Finale giving up i stretch my arms and seeing the time i was shocked i did over slept, it was 8:5.

"Mommy guess what."

"You looking like a prince, all cleaned up, i guess my son is all grown now, did you bath your self?"

"No Mommy aunt Tina did, and i picked my clothes my self. Grandpa and I look the same grandma said we look like twins."

"Really wow but am sure you look more handsome than grandpa. So my young Prince is that why you woke Mommy up."

"Ooh i forgot, Daddy has come Mommy and he bought me a huge car i can drive it my self, i don't need a remote to drive it, it the best present ever i love it."

"Wow than you must give Mommy a ride to work tomorrow." The happiness on my son face was worth it, am happy that Karan bought him something that too a car.

"No Mommy you wont fit inside only i can fit, it a black SUV just like Daddy car. But i will go and tell Dad to buy you an SUV too."

"SUV and all, how do you know it an SUV,don't you think you are to small to know about cars Arjun. Stop laughing young man am serous from today cars are off limit for you." How can a 4 year old know much about cars when i know shit about it.

"Grandpa have two SUV's and 4 BMW's and 3 Ferrari. And uncle Tyson told me when we were reading that big book with cars. There were so many cars Mommy."

"Okey you go downstairs and let me Mommy get ready and i can join you in a while."

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