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I felt real bad after talking to my father in that manner, it not like i have planned for it but he need to understand that Arjun is my son and he too deserve to have his father with him, just like i have him. He have a point to be worried about Karan coming into his grandson life but, we all deserve a second chance in life just like they have given me when i got pregnant. After an hour when i have locked my self in my bedroom Tina came to my room telling me that Mom and Dad want to talk to me. I didn't want to go back in there after the way i talked to my Dad but i have no choice, so i halfhearted did as Tina said, to tell you the truth i was a bit scared to face my parent after the saga that took place an hour back, but to my surprised Dad talk nicely and even apologised for judging Karan before he can even meet him, my Dad apologising for talking bad about the man he despite i was shocked but happy too because they were willing to give him a chance. So they ask me to calling him and invite him for dinner. I went back into my room to call him after ignoring his calls today am finale calling him.

"Wow so you finale reminded of my existent." As much as i wanted to talk to her but i was pissed at her, for not taking my calls all day, as if i did something wrong.

"As sorry i know you are angry at me, but please hear me out before you tount me. I know i should have answered your calls, but i have been busy."

"Divya don't okey, just don't i know you are trying to avoid me but guess what am not going to let you Divya. You hide my child all this years from me and now you are not taking my calls."

"I never hide him from you because if i did, i would have never told you about him ever, so don't get angry at me like it is my fault." How can he just get angry at me Arjun is my son i can do what i want when it comes to him.

"Wow so now it my fault that you decided to sneak out my room leaving me sleeping, oh maybe it my fault that you never told me about my son even when you have meet me two year back, still you never told me so now the great Divyanka Smith is blaming me."

"Fine you want to meet your son right?"

"It good you remembered that he is my son two, so when can i meet him."

"Fine my place tonight 7:30 and Karan don't be late, am sure my Dad wont be pleased at all."

"What your father, but....but he, wait is your father here in India?" Fuck am sure he wont like me at all, but i don't care am only doing this for my son and no one will stop me from meeting him no one.

"That why i called you, my parent want to meet you, and talk to you regarding Arjun and about you getting me pregnant well mostly." My Dad is like an open book for me i know he will be interrogating him than talking about his plans about Arjun.

"I hope you told him that i never intensional get you pregnant Divya, and it not like you are not equal involve in getting pregnant."

"Whatever Karan just....just be on time and please don't try to act to smart and try to impress my parent, it wont work."

"What does that supposed to mean?"

"It means don't try to act just be your self, oh else Dad will see your facade in seconds, he must be over protective of his kids but he is still old fashion type, so just be your self oh you can try to bribe him with the eldest wine in your collection if you have, which i doubt you have because your face is a vodka type but am not judging."

"And what wrong with Vodka because i remember you drinking it like water four year ago, and you should be thankfully because of that same vodka you have our son."

"Whatever bye see you later "if" you will come."

"See you later "if" your family will open a door for me."

As she hang up on me i must say honest i felt a bit relaxed, and a big smile on my face. aly really helped me this time i was really drunk and i do remember talking to her and seeing her dancing with some shit guy which got me really angry by the way, but seeing that shameless girl all over me made me even more angry but she did help me because she manage to get my girl jealous which paid of by the way really good. The next morning i woke up in Aly bedroom handover and when he showed the video of last night i was ashamed at first but when i heard Divya talking about us having a four year old son together i was over joyed. I try calling her right at that second but to my surprised she never answered my calls. But what got me really annoyed was that even Anita and Mihika were not answering my calls. But i guess waiting did paid off she finale called and am going to meet my baby for the first time in four years.


"Carter what you saying, just give that poor boy a chance am sure he is not as bad as you say, and beside you will be seeing a lot of him, he is your grandson father."

"He is bad Sasha, he got my daughter pregnant, what more you want to prove that he is bad. He might be Arjun father but i wont welcome him with open arms Sasha. I don't trust that boy."

"He did not rape your daughter she two got pregnant willingly so blame her too." Carter and I have been shouting to each other he don't want Karan in his daughter life, but in all this fighting we did not pay attention to the open door of our bedroom where my grandson was listen to everything, until his small sobs get my attention.

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