who is he

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Everything was going fine in the shoot, Karan was acting weird at time like trying to be closer to me, kissing my cheeks at times making me feel flushed shy. The cast were great and now the shoot we were about to shoot for season two next month. God everything was going amazing, right now we were sitting together having some fun, but it was just, Me, Anita, Mikika, Simi and Vadu. Well i forgot the other two really name, so we called each other with our stage names sometimes. Were sitting gossiping with each other, about boys mostly.

"Anita you are married to be talking about boys like that, plus am sure Rohit wont like that at all, shall i give him,a call." I said talking my phone in my hand, i love teasing her at time.

"Oh please Divya, i am a women and it in our nature to talk about boys, it not like you don't notice them your self, now forgot all that it Karan turn what will you say about him?" I gave everyone a naught wink, and while everyone were busy thinking my friend Divya was totally turning red.

"It hard for me to say guys. Since he my brother in the show, he have been acting like a brother to me so i cant sexual analysis him."

"Okey Simi out, so now Vandu, you are next than Mihika and you Divya."

"For starters the guy is fu***n handsome, sexy and the way his clothes fix him perfectly i just pray that i was his wife on set at least. Can you imagine the things his big hands can do to you. And forget that his eyes god that man is amazing. You know i always find it cute when every time he sit down he first pull up his pants in a seductive way."

"Oh God Vandu i think you need to talk to him,Mihika your turn" i playfully said to her, knowing very well that she have a fiance waiting for her hand.

"His deep voice always makes me shiver, Anita did you notice his on the last episode when there were drinking with the guys, every time he takes a sip he will lick his bottom lips with the tip of his tough, it is so sexy. Every time he does that i just wet my paints, i just want to see the kind of babies he will create." I was disturb with the sudden coughing of Divya. Anita rub her back trying to help her, after few minute she was okey.

"Divya are you okey you seems like you have seen a ghost?" I rub her back, but something was up with her.

"Girls am okey, thanks Anita." I stop talking when i saw karan and Aly, Mihir, Ashok and Balla coming and sitting down next to us, and Aly said something.

"Girls sorry to just come here but we need your help, who is the most richest guy in the world?

"Amithab Bhachan. ooh and Shah Rukh Khan."

"Oh please i said the world Anita not India? I roll my eyes am talking about filth Billions.

"Okey than if it not Donald trump than who."

"Donald trump is in the last but he is number five, you guys are in the industry yet you don't keep up with the currency."

"Fine dude tell us than, i have already gave up long back,wait can it be our Director Miss Ekta Kapoor?" What else was i going to say we already said everyone we know.

"Shut up Bala are you crazy it not her, but Bill Gate don't you guys know this." We all laugh until a small voice form behind shock us.

"Aly uncle you wrong too, it not him."

"Gautam/Adi what you saying, you still young to know all that."

"Karan uncle i know even, if you don't trust me you can Google it too." I said seriously.

"Okey than tell us young man, who is the richest guy on earth."

"It the American guy he is the owner of the Gold and diamond mine in South Africa, and his great great father is the one who invested the machine to cut Gold and diamond pieces that you all wearing now. Plus he was the only child and he also own the Sasha S industries a multi million company in America. Plus i heard that he own 23 air line as well." I said proudly seeing and all their month hanging opened i gave my self a pat on a shoulder. 

"WHO THE F**K IS THAT GUY." We all said in,union not believing anything.

"His name is Samuel Smith."

"They is no such guy Gautam am sure he must have kill people to get where he is now. It not impossible to be that fucking rich man." It just cant, can it be.

"Karan is right he must be a big criminal."

"And am sure with all that money he must have cheated his wife million times." I said laughing taking hi five from the boys.

"Am sure dude he must have killed his grandfather to take all that money."

"JUST STOP IT OKEY.... HOW CAN YOU ALL SAID ALL THIS BULLSHIT ABOUT SOMEONE YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW."I was pissed at them special Karan, it easy to judge a person but like this and specially in front of me, i just wanted to kill him right now.

"Oh please Divya he must be an old fat who got everything at a young age, while we all have to work for it." I said irritated at her why she is defending the guy, anywhere.

"I SAID STOP IT KARAN DON'T SAY THINGS YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT." I saw everyone eyes on us now specially me.

"Divya do you know the guy." I saw small tears in her eyes anger all over her face.

"No Anita am sure she don't but we are talking about an "AMERICAN GUY" one of her own kind remember."

"HIS MY FATHER FOR YOUR INFORMATION." They all froze until i heard laugh busting all around me like i said some stupid joke.

"What you are serous the richest unknown guy is your father."

"Did i say something wrong maybe. His name is Carter Samuel Smith, married to Sasha sonakshi Smith. They are both my parent and i am the only daughter between four boys, if you still think it fun than please verify it with Miss Ekta Kapoor. Now am leaving my family is coming so i need to welcome them at home bye, ooh and yes he also have 52% shares in Eskom electricity in South Africa as well." They still think am jocking because they all looking at me with huge open eyes like am some jocker.   

Seeing Karan paled as a white shock it made me happy, he said so much about people he don't even know, but after today i don't care how they see me, usually after people found out about who my father is, they treat me different, don't know why. I just hope they wont treat me like am some rich rich kid. Well i have to get home after 8 month m going to see my Son, my baby and hold him in my arms and Tina, Mom, Dad and the boys am so happy. They are all coming because tomorrow afternoon is the Telly award and i have been nominated and our show as well, plus Karan and I will be opening with the dance so yaah it kind of a big deal for me. And yes i haven't told my family about founding Arjun father.         


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