silence table

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As soon as i called out to my grandson he ran from there to his bedroom. He might be a child but he is still his fathers son. Hearing his grandfather, his Hero, his best friend talk bad about his father it made him sad in a way, i really don't know what got into Carters head lately. He berried his face in his pillow with little small sobs which broke my heart. I set next to him and pattered his back after a little longer he hug me tight his face in my stomach.

"Arjun dear listen to grandma."

"Why grandpa hate my Dad?"

"He don't hate him dear it just that he don't know him,that all but when he will meet him than he will like him too, do you remember back home even you hated lilly so much but than when you both started playing together you ended up liking her. Same as your grandpa and Dad."

"No grandma he said such bad things, and even i don't know my Dad but i did not say bad things about him, grandma is my Dad a really bad person like grandpa said? Will he take me away from Mommy, you, grandpa, uncles and Aunty Tina?"

"No such thing will happen dear, just promise me that you will give him a chance just like you gave Lilly, and you wont say bad things to him."

"Okey, when will he come am hungry."

"He should be here by now come, let go and check downstairs."

I lifted Arjun up to my hip after cleaning his face and went to tell Carter to come out soon to have dinner with us, we were going downstairs everything look good the food the setting and all that was missing was the members of the family, i put Arjun down to check on everyone when the door bell ring, and Arjun offered to open it and i went back to call everyone down.

"I will get it grandma" i ran to open the door and a big man was standing in front of me, with a bottle in his right hand and a flowers on his left, makes me wonder how he rang the bell does he have three hands. I was looking at him when grandpa shove me aside letting the man inside not before taking the flowers from him and kissing his cheeks.

"Arjun what happened to your manners dear? Why were you not letting him inside. Please young man come inside." I was about to have a small talk with Karan, when i heard Carter talking from behind.

"Do you blame him Sasha for not open the door for this man? Why do you want him here anywhere i don't want to be in the same room as this young man." I said poking my fingers in his chest, his head hang down with shame.

I saw my son Tyson walking to this man with a smile on his face introducing him self and next was my Daughter Tina,i was not sure what was going on but what ever it was it wont last longer. Lastly i saw Mel coming downstairs looking beautiful as always, her eyes locked with this man eyes and a little smile on her face. He offered me a bottle of wine but my son took it and placed in on the table, i must say it was the kind of the wine i drink, at least he got a good eye for wine. My train of thought were broken by Sasha.

"You all come now the food wont wait forever, oh you want to eat it cold."

Dinner was a silence affairs which was good because there was nothing i wanted to talk to this man, and his presence in my house made me sick, but am doing all this for Arjun only him. As soon as we were done eating we went and sit by the couch in the living room. They was so much i wanted to ask him, like who the fuck gave him permission to fuck my daughter, ooh how much will it take him to get as far away from my grandson life but nothing come out i just sit there seeing my family becoming friend with this idiot, there were all laughing like fools but i just sat there feeling nothing but more hatred for him. Not just me who was angry but Hero was too, he sat there saying nothing but looking at the man with deadly angry looks. I was about to ask him something when Arjun beat me to it.

"So are you my father? Oh are you visiting to eat our food." All eyes turned to look at me with disbelieve looks.

"ARJUN....... is that how you talk to someone,where is your respect? Say sorry now."

" it okey i don't mind really Mrs Sasha. He have a right to be angry at me because of my absence in his life." Divya was right he really is an angry young man, and blunt too.

"Why did you not come to meet me, did you not love me? Did i do something wrong that why you did not come?" I felt my tears forming in my eyes but they never fall down my cheek.

"It was never your fault Arjun, but i am to be blamed, i lost track of what was important in life and it took me a lot of time to get back to you. But i promise you if you give me one last chance i will make up for all those years we have lost together. I will do anything ........anything Arjun just give me one chance." My heart was shattered at the scene in front of me, how can a four year old is able to fight back tears from falling. My son hate me that much that am not even worth of his tears.

" will do anything?"

"Yes dear am willing to do anything." I guess he will give me a chance now, at least.

"Arjun don't do this, Dad......Daddy please talk some sense into him please, he cant do this Dad." I know that look, i was not saying anything yet but that look when he said "you will do anything" that is not good at all, that why my Dad is smiling a little because he knows it too.

"Mel let them talk you wanted them to bond, so let them. And beside he said he will do anything." What did you think Mr Karan that it was going to easy.... mmm not with my grandson.

"Yes Mommy he said he will do anything."

"Divya it okey he have a point i promised to do anything i cant broke a promise now can i." I don't know if i should be happy oh scared, all of a sudden Mr Smith is talking nicely and Divya is panicking like this.

"Karan you don't know what you getting your self into. Arjun don't mean what he is saying. Arjun now go to your room now." I took a glass of milk from him but he just got really angry which by the way was the first ever in four years.

"No Mommy i wont go, i don't want this uncle ever come near me, oh i will go and live with grandpa and i will never talk to you ever again."

"ARJUN" I raised my hand to slap him but i stopped midway how can he talk to me like that am still his mother.

"I HATE YOU MOMMY I HATE YOU...... AND I HATE HIM TOO." I run away to my bedroom and locked it from inside and cry my self to my bed. Mommy never raised a hand on me until that man come i hate him.

"I will talk to him Mel don't worry, and you leave my house."

"Divya am sorry, i didn't mean for all this to happen, i will leave."

"No Dad there is no need for your help, thank you so much Dad, my son hate me because of you but not Karan. You must be very happy now that he hate his father and mother, you never even gave Karan a chance Dad but you manage to build hatred between a father and son well done Dad." I ran up to my room and locked it, i know Tina ooh Mom will come to comfort me but i don't need it right now.

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