3 year later

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My parent and Tina were my biggest supporter, they supported me all the way till my delivery and my Dad was on a big annul meeting, by the moment he got a call from Mom that i was taken to Hospital, he left everything and rush to be with me. He was the first person to hold my son and he is the one who named him as well, Arjun Sath Smith. He was very attached to him, and did i tell
you that Arjun was only sleeping in my Parent's room. My Dad turned his walking closet into Arjun bedroom so he can look after him, telling me that i was too young to look after him and it was his job to look after Arjun. When he turned six month Dad takes him to the Office with him, but Mom was able to talk some sense into him. The reason for that, it non other that fu***n stupid nanny who gave my son a wrong medication almost killing him, and was admitted in the hospital for a week. Dad got so angry lucky he did not kill her, after that Dad told us that if we cant look after his grandson he is still alive to do it himself. So my son started attending Office with his grandpa. Everyone in the Office thought that Arjun was his youngest son. Only if they new.

************ 3 YEARS LATER*************

It was Saturday morning, i was still sleeping until the commotion of what ever the fuck was going on down stairs woke me up. I put my sleepers on and went down to see. I was shocked to see the mess of the living room. Mom was running behind Arjun with his bathing towel and that little mischief devil was running around only in his underwear. On the other side i saw Tina busy cleaning the broken glasses on the floor. And my 21 year old brother Luke was busy on his phone not getting affected of what ever that was going on around him. Hearing my Mother yelling at Arjun means trouble, i waited to see Arjun reaction. Usual Mom's yelling don't work on him he just don't care but Dad he never said anything twice for him to do.

"Arjun Sath Smith get your ass in the bathroom right now" i try to give him my angry look but it never work at all.

"NO!!!!  Only grandpa can bath me" he crossed his small arms around his chest protesting.

"Arju grandpa have gone to Office, please be a good boy and let grandma bath you today only." This is Carter's fault he never let anyone bath him now he left us with this problem.

"Grandma you tell grandpa to come and bath me, until he comes i wont bath" he stormed his foot on the ground and went to Dad's Office.

"Mom don't be sad i will talk to him" it broke my heart to see Mom hurt, she loves Arjun so much but that little fu***r always trouble her.

"Let him be Dviya, i will call your father to come"

"Mom he's in the meeting with the bord please don't call him, or else he will leave his work and come running here unnecessary. I will make Arjun understand don't worry." I took a spare key of Dad's Office knowing that this little monster have locked the door. I opened it and he was busy spinning in Dad's chair having no worry of what has happened out side because of him. He stopped spinning the second he saw me.

"Mommy did grandpa come? He have come to bath me right." His happiness was written all over his face but sadly Dad haven't come.     

"Arjun come sit with me, i need to talk to you sweetheart." I set on the couch leaving a space for him next to me. I took his hand and send a prayer to God that at least just this once my son can listen to me and do as i say, without asking Dad if he should do it or not.

"Arju you know that Mommy loves you so much, and can do anything for you, and grandpa loves you and.....

"Yes Mommy grandpa loves me so much he is my super hero my iron man, and i love him so much too." I felt like crying, my heart sank a bit, my only son loves Dad more than me, it better to say more than everyone in this world, he is my son he was supposed to love me the most.

"I know you love him, but Arju even grandma loves you so much. You know what you did outside really hurt her a lot. She was crying so much because you did not let her bath you"i said sadly so that he can understand how his grandma was hurt.

"But Mommy grandpa always bath me." He said to his lowest depressing voice ever, those big beautiful eyes of his father trying to control me. God he is good really good.

"True but when you were still a little baby grandma always bath you, and feed you and made you sleep in her chest. If grandma cant bath you than even grandpa cant bath you, see it 50/50."

"But i want my grandpa to bath me." I can see anger forming in his face, but right now i did not care. It was important to make him understand the important of both his grandparent in his life than important of Dad only.

"Your grandpa and grandma are my Mommy and Daddy so they can only bath me, and Uncle Zac,Tylor, Tyson and Luke only. And you are my baby so only i am allowed to bath you. Now come we wont let anyone bath you come i will bath you now." He's my son i know his button well, i don't know but he hate me bathing him for some reason known to him and Dad i guess.

"If i let grandma bath me, even grandpa can still bath me right." And it worked like magic, always.

"Of course Arju even grandpa can bath you too." God his thinking face expression is worth seeing, i never new my baby can be this cute.

"Okey i will tell grandma to bath me now, okey." He run to Mom and everything my sorted after that.

LIFE THAT BIND USOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz