his father

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"That sounded as if you said Karan is your son father,"

"That what she said Mihika, am still shocked like how is it possible i mean you and Karan met two year back, and Arjun look like a four oh five year old to me."

"I met Karan five year back in Boston, Tina and I were celebrating my graduation and we were drunk so i happen to sleep with a guy and boom a month later i found out am pregnant."

"So you really sure it Karan's"

"Jeez Anita what do you take me for, and am sure because Karan is the only man i ever slept with my whole life, so am 100% he is Arjun father, Am not some whore that sleep around."

"I didn't mean it like that Div sorry, does he know?" Am kind of shocked but than again even a dying old person can see that Arjun is a copy of Karan i don't know why i ask her like that.

"No he doesn't know, and am not going to tell him, just like you guys wont tell him."

"But Divya why, he deserve to know about his Son, and Arjun too deserve to know about his father."

"I agree with Mihika too, Div."

"What do you think, that i never think about it, that i don't want my son to know about him, i do okey. But Karan and the way he live his life i don't want that near my son. I want my son to respect girls, not use them like his father maybe am wrong but am doing this for my son. And if that mean i have to take him back to America to my parents than be it, but i wont let Karan's sex buddies near my son ever." I don't know if am wrong but i am a Mother and Mother's protect their kids no matter what.

"Look guys i have been quiet listing to you all, and you all are right. But when Div was pregnant i was there, the moment she found out about Arju i was there. When she told me about that idiot being my nephew's father i wanted her to tell him about Arju but when we went into his house i took back my worlds, no offence to him but the guy is not fit to be a father at all. When he still think that every moving vigan should be warming his bed sorry but even i wont let that kind of person near my God son sorry, but he deserve way better than him." I just hope for his sake he get his shit together and soon because really Arjun wont stay a child forever he might ended up hating him.

We arrive in Aly house and he was waiting for us or it right to say waiting for my beautiful sister cun best friend, but since Tina parent dead my parent have taken her in and she called them Mom and Dad, so that makes us sisters for ever. Since it was a pool part me and the girls went inside to change when we come back i lost all my sanity in a sight of Aly and Karan topless inside a pool, his eyes landed on mine and for a moment there we share an eyes lock. Everything around me seems to have stopped for some crazy reason, nothing existed around me but him. How much i wish i can take him into my arms and kiss him senselessly, and tell him how much i love him, and that that stupid one night we created a beautiful, handsome baby boy, who have stolen his looks. But i know that is just a dream a distance dream. As the girls jumped inside the pool my chain of thought was broken, i turn my heard from them and wipe my tears than left from there to be alone for sometime.

"God why am i even here, i new he was going to be here he is Aly friend, i need to suck it up and get out there and put on my happy face, any where even i need to get over him it the only way." I was inside of one of Aly spare bed rooms to think and get my self together. The only thing i need to do is get drunk and found my guy to take home, if i can do that.

As i was walking by the hallway i saw Aly and Mihika having a gala time together, she was sitting on his lap and his hands were around her. I went by the bar table and get my self something to drink. Shot after shot and i was getting into a drove, some guys asked me to dance and i was fun, some where trying to get drunk for some reason but i didn't care, and when i saw some Barber all over Karan her hands rubbing all over his chest while she was kissing his neck i think. I took five Shot and went toward them i just wanted to kill them special that stupid fake wanna be s**t. He is mine only mine and i will make him understand that too. As i was going toward them i was pulled by someone, when i turn i saw Tina, when did she come because she was with her boyfriend.

"What the fuck are you trying to do Div, are you crazy ooh what?" When i saw her having those five shot at once, i new i had to interfere and what shocked me is that she took an empty bottle with her heading toward Karan and some women. The last time she held a bottle like that a guy ended up in the Hospital.

"Leave me Tina...... i....... i will show them who Divyanka Smith is, leave me. If you don't leave me now Tina i will smash you with this bottle got it." How can he allow that stupid girl to touch him, he does not even care that am here too.

"Should i call Dad, maybe you will listen to him than. And why you care leave him Div he is not worth it Sis please."

"I love him Tina i love him so much it hurt, please help,me stop loving him Tina it hurt so much, how can he let that....that skank to touch him, i want to talk to him."

"Okey only if you promise me that you wont create any scene after, and you both will talk inside because you don't want people bed mouthing about you." I hate to see her crying like this special if those tears are for him.

"I promise i...i wont....i wont create any scene, i just want to talk to him alone please." I know i shouldn't be crying but it feels like am loosing a part me every time i see him with some girls. I want him for me only is that too bed to want someone for you.

Tina took me inside the same bedroom i was early promising me to bring Karan in a minute. I know my sister hate him and i don't blame her for the same. And right now she is doing all this for me because she loves me so much. I waited and few minute later the door opened, and i went crazy again, he was here but that whore monkey tag along. When she open the door i did what my mind thought was right i gave her one big tight slap, and if i was not drunk believe me i would have never say what i said next.

"GET YOUR FAKE NAIL AWAY FROM HIM, NOW. HE IS MINE ONLY MINE, HE IS THE FATHER OF MY CHILD IF I DARE TO SEE YOU WITH HIM EVER AGAIN I WILL SEND YOU TO ICU." am sure with that yelling i gain a few eye glance but i didn't care. I pushed Karan inside and shut the door on that birch face.

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